Publications récentes

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Dernières publications


Stevenson LM, Matso, PG, Pilla RM, Pouil S, Geeza TJ, Hills A, Ellis Z, Smith S, Mathews TJ. 2025. Analysis of biokinetic parameters reveals patterns in mercury accumulation across aquatic species. Science Total Environnement.  Guppie


Bidnenko V, Chastanet A, Pechoux C, Redko-Hamel Y, Pellegrini O, Durand S, Condon C, Boudvillain M, Jules M, Bidnenko E    Complex sporulation-specific expression of transcription termination factor Rho highlights its involvement in Bacillus subtilis cell differentiation. Journal of Biological Chemistry.  Ptf

Boichard D., Dominique S., Berodier M., Fritz S., Delaby L., Fouere C., Boussaha M.,  Barbat A. 2024. Utilisation de la semence sexée en production bovine. INRAE Prod Anim.  GBOS

Bortoluzzi C, Restoux G, Rouger R, Desnoues B, Petitjean F, Bosse M, Tixier-Boichard M. 2024. Trends in genome diversity of small populations under a conservation program: a case study of two French chicken breeds. Peer Community Journal.   GiBBS

Ducrot C, Barrio MB, Boissy A, Charrier F, Even S, Mormède P, Petit S, Pinard-van der laan M-H, Schelcher F, Casabianca F, Ducos A,Guatteo R,  Foucras G, Peyraud J-L, Vayssier-Taussat M, Veysset P,Friggens NC,Fernandez X. 2024. Jointly improving animal health and welfare in the transition of livestock  systems towards sustainability. INRAE Productions Animales  GeMS

Eynard S, Mondet F, Basso B, Bouchez O, Le Conte Y, Dainat B, … Phocas F, …. Vignal A, Servin B. 2024. Sequence‐Based Multi Ancestry Association Study Reveals the Polygenic Architecture of Varroa destructor Resistance in the Honeybee Apis mellifera. Molecular Ecology  Guppie

Heras-Molina A, Estellé J, Vazquez-Gomez M, Lopez-Garcia A, Pesantez-Pacheco JL, Astiz S, Garcia-Contreras C, Escudero R, Isabel B, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Ovilo C. 2024. The impact of host genetics on porcine gut microbiota composition excluding maternal and postnatal environmental influences. Plos ONE  Gems

Hurtaud C, Bernard L, Rau A, Cebo C. 2024. Impact of milking interval and time on milk spontaneous lipolysis and composition in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. BOS, GiBBS

Kouadio A, Pepey E, Boussou C, Brou S, Fertin L, Pouil S. 2024. Leviers de substitution à l'usage de pesticides dans les systèmes cacaopiscicoles intégrés en Côte d'Ivoire. Cahiers Agricultures.  Guppie

Majumdar K, Silva R, Perry AS, Watson RW, Rau A, Jaffrezic F, Murphy TB, Gormley IC. 2024. A novel family of beta mixture models for the differential analysis of DNA methylation data: An application to prostate cancer    . Plos One  GIBBS

Zhou H, Clark EL, Guan D, LagarrigueS, Fang L, Cheng H, Tuggle CK, Kapoor M, Wang Y, Giuffra E, Egidy G. 2024. Comparative Genomics and Epigenomics of Transcriptional Regulation. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences.  GeMS


Dans ce dossier

Liste des publications de l'unité GABI en 2023

Liste des publications de l'unité GABI en 2024