Publications récentes
Harari S, Deretz S, Dumont Saint Priest B, Richard E, Ricard A. 2024. Comparison of blood parameters in two genetically different groups of horses for functional longevity in show jumping. Front Genet.
Dhorne-Pollet S, Barrey E. 2024. Le cheval Curly, un cheval aux poils frisés dit "hypoallergénique". Le Nouveau Praticien Vét équine.
Dhorne-Pollet S, Barrey E. 2024. Les gènes de la taille chez les chevaux : application à la production de poneys de sport. Le Nouveau Praticien Vét équine.
Gmel A, Ricard A, Gerber V, Neuditschko M. 2024. Population structure and genomic diversity of the Einsiedler horse. Animal Genetics.
Kleij L, Bruder E, Raoux-Barbot D, Lejal N, Nevers Q, Deloizy C, da Costa B, Legrand L, Barrey E, Chenal A, Pronost S, Delmas B, Dhorne-Pollet S. 2024. Genomic characterization of equine influenza A subtype H3N8 viruses by long read sequencing and functional analyses of the PB1-F2 virulence factor of A/equine/Paris/1/2018. Vet Res
Librado et al. 2024. Widespread horse-based mobility arose around 2200 bce in Eurasia. Nature.
Boisseau M, Dhorne-Pollet S, Bars-Cortina D, Courtot E, Serreau D, Annonay G, Lluch J, Gesbert A, Reigner F, Salle G, Mach N. 2023. Species interactions, stability, and resilience of the gut microbiota - Helminth assemblage in horses. iScience.
Courtot E, Boisseau M, Dhorne-Pollet S, Serreau D, Gesbert A, Reigner F, Basiaga M, Kuzmina T, Lluch J, Annonay G, Kuchly C, Diekmann I, Krucken J, von Samson-Himmelstjerna G, Mach N, Salle G. 2023. Comparison of two molecular barcodes for the study of equine strongylid communities with amplicon sequencing. PeerJ.
David I, Ricard A. 2023. An improved transmissibility model to detect transgenerational transmitted environmental effects. Genet Sel Evol.
Foury A, Mach N, Ruet A, Lansade L, Moisan MP. 2023. Transcriptomic signature related to poor welfare of sport horses Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology.
Ricard A, Crevier-Denoix N, Pourcelot P, Crichan H, Sabbagh M, Dumont-Saint-Priest B, Danvy S. 2023. Genetic analysis of geometric morphometric 3D visuals of French jumping horses. Genet Sel Evol.
William Timothy Treal Taylor et al. 2023. Early dispersal of domestic horses into the Great Plains and northern Rockies. Science 379, 1316-1323
Bars-Cortina D, Sakhawat AL, Pinol-Felis C, Motilva MJ. 2022. Chemopreventive effects of anthocyanins on colorectal and breast cancer: A review. SEM CANCER BIOL.
David I, Ricard A, Huynh-Tran VH, Dekkers JCM, Gilbert H. 2022. Quality of breeding value predictions from longitudinal analyses, with application to residual feed intake in pigs. Gen Sel Evol.
Dhorne-Pollet S, Fitzpatrick C, Da Costa B, Bourgon C, Eléouët J-F, Meunier N, Burzio VA, Delmas B, Barrey E.2022. Antisense oligonucleotides targeting ORF1b block replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Front Microbiol.
Druml T, Brem G, Horna M, Ricard A, Grilz-Seger G. DPF3, A Putative Candidate Gene For Melanoma Etiopathogenesis in Gray Horses. JEVS.
Mach N, Midoux C, Leclercq S, Pennarun S, Le Moyec L, Rué O, Robert C, Sallé G, Barrey E. 2022. Mining the equine gut metagenome: poorly-characterized taxa associated with cardiovascular fitness in endurance athletes. Comm Biol.
Malsa J, Courtot E, Boisseau M, Dumont B, Gombault P, Kuzmina TA, Basiaga M, Lluch J, Annonay G, Dhorne-Pollet S, Mach N, Sutra JF, Wimel L, Dubois C, Guégnard F, Serreau D, Lespine A, Sallé G, Fleurance G. 2022. Effect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on cyathostomin eggs excretion, larval development, larval community structure and efficacy of ivermectin treatment in horses. Parasitology.
Rohmer T, Ricard A, David I. 2022. Copula miss-specification in REML multivariate genetic animal model estimation. Gen Sel Evol.
Ruet A, Arnould C, Lemarchand J, Parias C, Mach N, Moisan MP, Foury A, Briant C, Lansade L. 2022. Horse welfare: A joint assessment of four categories of behavioural indicators using the AWIN protocol, scan sampling and surveys. ANIMAL WELFARE
Ali S, Xia Q, Muhammad T, Liu LQ, Meng XY, Bars-Cortina D, Khan AA, Huang YH, Dong L. 2021. Glioblastoma Therapy: Rationale for a Mesenchymal Stem Cell-based Vehicle to Carry Recombinant Viruses. Stem Cell Rev Report.
Dhorne-Pollet S, Pollet N, Barrey E. 2021. A New Method for Sequencing the Mitochondrial Genome by Using Long Read Technology. Meth Mol Biol. 2277, 331
Druml T, Brem G, Velie B, Lindgren G, Horna M, Ricard A, Grilz-Seger G. 2021. Equine vitiligo-like depigmentation in grey horses is related to genes involved in immune response and tumor metastasis. BMC Vet Res. 17.
Dugué M, Dumont Saint Priest B, Crichan H, Danvy S, Ricard A. 2021. Genomic correlations between the gaits of young horses measured by accelerometry and functional longevity in jumping competition. Front Genet. 12, 619947
Niel R, Le Moyec L, Launay T, Mille-Hamard L, Triba MN, Maciejak O, Billat VL, Momken I. 2021. Physical performance level in sarcomeric mitochondria creatine kinase knockout mouse model throughout ageing. Exp Gerontol. 46, 111246
Mach N, Baranowski E, Nouvel LX, Citti C. 2021. The Airway Pathobiome in Complex Respiratory Diseases: A Perspective in Domestic Animals. Front Cell Infect Microbiom. 11, 583600
Mach N, Lansade L, Bars‑Cortina D ,Dhorne‑Pollet S, Foury A, Moisan MP, Ruet A. 2021. Gut microbiota resilience in horse athletes following holidays out to pasture. Sci Rep. 11, 5007
Mach N, Moroldo M, Rau A, Lecardonnel J, Le Moyec L, Robert C, Barrey E. 2021. Understanding the Holobiont: Crosstalk Between Gut Microbiota and Mitochondria During Long Exercise in Horse. Front. Mol. Biosci. 8, 656204
Ricard A, Duluard A. 2021. Genomic analysis of gaits and racing performance of the French trotter. J Anim Breed Genet. early access
Ricard A, Saint Priest BD, Chassier, M, Sabbagh M, Danvy, S. 2020. Genetic consistency between gait analysis by accelerometry and evaluation scores at breeding shows for the selection of jumping competition horses. PLoS One. 15, e0244064
Rohmer T, Ricard A, David I. 2021. Assessing the Impact of the Non-Gaussian Dependence Structure in the REML Estimation of the Multivariate Genetic Model. Hum Hered, 85-90
Tixier-Boichard M, Fabre S, Dhorne-Pollet S, Goubil A, Acloque H, Vincent-Naulleau S, Ross P, Wang Y, Chanthavixay G, Cheng H, Ernst C, Leesburg V, Giuffra E, Zhou H, the Collaborative Working Group. 2021. Tissue Resources for the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes. Front Genet. 12
Vidament M, Lansade L, Danvy S, Saint Priest BD, Sabbagh M, Ricard A. 2021. Personality in young horses and ponies evaluated during breeding shows: Phenotypic link with jumping competition results. J Vet Behavior. 44, 1-11
David I, Aliakbari A, Deru V, Garreau H, Gilbert H, Ricard A. 2020. Inclusive inheritance for residual feed intake in pigs and rabbits. J Anim Breed Genet. 137, 535-545
Dhorne-Pollet S, Barrey E, Pollet N. 2020. A new method for long-read sequencing of animal mitochondrial genomes: application to the identification of equine mitochondrial DNA variants. BMC Genomics. 21, 785
Mach N, Ruet A, Clark A, Bars-Cortina D, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Crisci E, Pennarun S, Dhorne-Pollet S, Foury A, Moisan MP, Lansade L. 2020. Priming for welfare: gut microbiota is associated with equitation conditions and behavior in horse athletes. Sci Rep. 18, 8311.
Ramayo-Caldas Y, Zingaretti L, Popova M, Estelle J, Bernard A, Pons N, Bellot P, Mach N, Rau A, Roume H, Perez-Enciso M, Faverdin P, Edouard N, Ehrlich D, Morgavi DP, Renand G. 2019. Identification of rumen microbial biomarkers linked to methane emission in Holstein dairy cows. J Anim Breed Genet. 137, 49-59
Ricard A, Dumont Saint Priest B, Danvy S, Barrey E. 2020. Accelerometers provide early genetic selection criteria for jumping horses. Front Genet. 11,448
Ruet A, Arnould C, Levray J, Lemarchand J, Mach N, Moisan MP, Foury A, Briant C, Lansade L. 2020. Effects of a temporary period on pasture on the welfare state of horses housed in individual boxes. Appl Anim Behav Sci. 228, 105027
Van der Kolk JH, Thomas S, Mach N, Ramseyer A, Burger D, Gerber V, Nuoffer JM. 2020. Serum acylcarnitine profile in endurance horses with and without metabolic dysfunction. Vet J. 255, 105419
Ben Jemaa S, Kdidi S, Gdura AM, Dayhum AS, Eldaghayes IM, Boussaha M, Rebours E, Yahyaoui EM. 2019. Inferring the population structure of the Maghreb sheep breeds using a medium-density SNP chip. Anim Genet. 50, 526-533
David I, Ricard A. 2019. A unified model for inclusive inheritance in livestock species. Genetics. 212, 1075-1099
Dhorne-Pollet S, Crisci E, Mach N, Renson P, Jaffrézic F, Marot G, Maroilley T, Moroldo M, Lecardonnel J, Blanc F, Bertho N, Bourry O, Giuffra E. 2019. The miRNA-targeted transcriptome of porcine alveolar macrophages upon infection with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome. Virus. Sci Rep. 9-3160
Fages A, …. Barrey E, …., Orlando L. 2019. Tracking five millennia of horse management with extensive ancient genome time series. Cell. 177, 1419-1435
Fitzpatrick C, Bendek MF, Briones M, Farfán N, Silva VA, Nardocci G, Montecino M, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Villegas J, Villota C, Silva V, Lobos-Gonzalez L, Borgna V, Barrey E, Burzio LO, Burzio VA. 2019. Mitochondrial ncRNA targeting induces cell cycle arrest and tumor growth inhibition of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells through reduction of key cell cycle progression factors. Cell Death Dis. 10, 423
Grilz-Seger G, Neuditschko M, Ricard A, Velie B, Lindgren G, Mesaric M, Cotman M, Horna M, Dobretsberger M, Brem G, Druml T. 2019. Genome-wide homozygosity patterns and evidence for selection in a set of European and near eastern horse breeds. Genes (Basel). 10, 491
Guillocheau GM, El Hou A, Meersseman C, Esquerré D, Rebours E, Letaief R, Simao M, Hypolite N, Bourneuf E, Bruneau N, Vaiman A, Vander Jagt CJ, Chamberlain AJ, Rocha D. 2019. Survey of allele specific expression in bovine muscle. Sci Rep. 9, 4297
Jeandard D, Smirnova A, Tarassov I, Barrey E, Smirnov A, Entelis N. 2019. Import of non-coding RNAs into human mitochondria: A critical review and emerging approaches. Cells. 8, 286
Le Moyec L, Robert C, Triba NM, Bouchema N, Mach N, Rivière J, Zalachas-Rebours E, Barrey E. 2019. A first step toward unraveling the energy metabolism in endurance horses: Comparison of plasma nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomic profiles before and after different endurance race distances. Front Mol Biosci. 6, 45
Massacci FR, Clark A, Ruet A, Lansade L, Costa M, Mach N. 2019. Inter-breed diversity and temporal dynamics of the faecal microbiota in healthy horses. J Anim Breed Genet. in press
Plancade S, Clark A, Philippe C, Helbling JC, Moisan MP, Esquerré D, Moyec LL, Robert C, Barrey E, Mach N. 2019. Unraveling the effects of the gut microbiota composition and function on horse endurance physiology. Sci Rep. 9, 9620
Ramayo-Caldas Y, Zingaretti L, Popova M, Estelle J, Bernard A, Pons N, Bellot P, Mach N, Rau A, Roume H, Perez-Enciso M, Faverdin P, Edouard N, Ehrlich D, Morgavi DP, Renand G. 2019. Identification of rumen microbial biomarkers linked to methane emission in Holstein dairy cows. J Anim Breed Genet. in press.
Ruet A, Lemarchand J, Parias C, Mach N, Moisan MP, Foury A, Briant C, Lansade L. 2019. Housing horses in individual boxes is a challenge with regard to welfare. Animals (Basel) 9. pii: E621
Chassier M, Barrey E, Robert C, Duluard A, Danvy S, Ricard A. 2018. Genotype imputation accuracy in multiple equine breeds from medium- to high-density genotypes. J Anim Breed Genet. 135, 420-431
Clark A, Sallé G, Ballan V, Reigner F, Meynadier A, Cortet J, Koch C, Riou M, Blanchard A, Mach N. 2018. Strongyle infection and gut microbiota : profiling of resistant and susceptible horses over a grazing season. Frontiers in Physiology (9), 272.
Druml T, Grilz-Seger G, Neuditschko M, Horna M, Ricard A, Pausch H, Brem G. 2018. Novel insights into Sabino1 and splashed white coat color patterns in horses. Anim Genet. 49, 249-253
Druml T, Neuditschko M, Grilz-Seger G, Horna M, Ricard A, Mesaric M, Cotman M, Pausch H, Brem G. 2018. Population Networks Associated with Runs of Homozygosity Reveal New Insights into the Breeding History of the Haflinger Horse. J Hered. 109, 384-392.
Lansade L, Foury A, Reigner F, Vidament M, Guettier E, Bouvet G, Soulet D, Parias C, Ruet A, Mach N, Levy F, Moisan MP. 2018. Progressive habituation to separation alleviates the negative effects of weaning in the mother and foal. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 97, 59-68
Lee C, Moroldo M, Perdomo-Sabogal A, Mach N, Marthey S, Lecardonnel J, Wahlberg P, Chong AY, Estellé J, Ho SYW, Rogel-Gaillard C, Gongora J. 2018. Inferring the evolution of the major histocompatibility complex of wild pigs and peccaries using hybridisation DNA capture-based sequencing. Immunogenetics. 70, 401-417.
Legarra A, Ricard A, Varona L. 2018. GWAS by GBLUP: Single and multimarker EMMAX and Bayes factors, with an example in detection of a major gene for horse gait. G3 (Bethesda). 8, 2301-2308
Pegolo S, Mach N, Ramayo Caldas Y, Schiavon S, Bittante G, Cecchinato A. 2018. Integration of GWAS, pathway and network analyses reveals novel mechanistic insights into the synthesis of milk proteins in dairy cows. Sci Rep. 8, 566.
Clark A, Mach N. 2017. The crosstalk between the gut microbiota and mitochondria during exercise. Front Physiol. 8, 319.
Lenoir A, Trachsel DS, Younes M, Barrey E, Robert C. 2017. Agreement between electrocardiogram and heart rate meter is low for the measurement of heart rate variability during exercise in young endurance horses. Front Vet Sci. 4, 170.
Mach N, Clark A. 2017. Micronutrient deficiencies and the human gut microbiota. Trends Microbiol. 25, 607-610.
Mach N, Fuster-Botella D. 2017. Endurance exercise and gut microbiota: A review. J Sport Health Sc. 6, 179-197.
Mach N, Foury A, Kittelmann S, Reigner F, Moroldo M, Ballester M, Esquerré D, Rivière J, Sallé G, Gérard P, Moisan MP, Lansade L. 2017. The effects of weaning methods on gut microbiota composition and horse physiology. Front Physiol. 8, 835.
Mach N, Ramayo-Caldas Y,A17:J18 Clark A, Moroldo M, Robert C, Barrey E, Lopez JM, Le Moyec L. 2017. Understanding the response to endurance exercise using a systems biology approach: combining blood metabolomics, transcriptomics and miRNomics in horses. BMC Genomics. 18, 187
Morgenthaler C, Diribarne M, Capitan A, Legendre R, Saintilan R, Gilles M, Esquerré D, Juras R, Khanshour A, Schibler L, Cothran G. 2017. A missense variant in the coil1A domain of the keratin 25 gene is associated with the dominant curly hair coat trait (Crd) in horse. Genet sel Evol. 49-85
Ricard A, Robert C, Blouin C, Baste F, Torquet G, Morgenthaler C, Riviere J, Mach N, Mata X, Schibler L, Barrey E. 2017. Endurance exercise ability in the horse: a trait with complex polygenic determinism. Front Genet. 8, 89.
Schaefer RJ, Schubert M, Bailey E, Bannasch DL, Barrey E, Bar-Gal GK, Brem G, Brooks SA, Distl O, Fries R, Finno CJ, Gerber V, Haase B, Jagannathan V, Kalbfleisch T, Leeb T, Lindgren G, Lopes MS, Mach N, da Câmara Machado A, MacLeod JN, McCoy A, Metzger J, Penedo C, Polani S, Rieder S, Tammen I, Tetens J, Thaller G, Verini-Supplizi A, Wade CM, Wallner B, Orlando L, Mickelson JR, McCue ME. 2017. Developing a 670k genotyping array to tag ~2M SNPs across 24 horse breeds. BMC Genomics. 18, 565.
Spirhanzlova P, Dhorne-Pollet S, Fellah J, Da Silva C, Tlapakova T, Labadie K, Weissenbach J, Poulain J, Jaffredo T, Wincker P, Krylov V, Pollet N. 2017. Construction and characterization of a BAC library for functional genomics in Xenopus tropicalis. Dev Biol. 426, 255-260.
Bonet MO, Mach N. 2016. Nutritional and non-nutritional factors may affect male infertility through epigenetic mechanisms. Nutr Hosp. 33, 1236-1244
Clark A, Mach N. 2016. Exercise-induced stress behavior, gut-microbiota-brain axis and diet: a systematic review for athletes. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 13, 43
Clark A, Mach Casellas N. 2016. Role of Vitamin D in the hygiene hypothesis: the interplay between vitamin D, vitamin D receptors, gut microbiota, and immune response. Front Immunol, 7-e627.
Hamzić E, Kjærup RB, Mach N, Minozzi G, Strozzi F, Gualdi V, Williams JL, Chen J, Wattrang E, Buitenhuis B, Juul-Madsen HR, Dalgaard TS. 2016. RNA sequencing-based analysis of the spleen transcriptome following infectious bronchitis virus infection of chickens selected for different mannose-binding lectin serum concentrations. BMC Genomics. 17, 82
Mach N, Fuster-Botellaa D. 2016. Endurance exercise and gut microbiota: a systematic review. J Sport Health Sci. In Press
Mach N, Plancade S, Pacholewska A, Lecardonnel J, Rivière J, Moroldo M, Vaiman A, Morgenthaler C, Beinat M, Nevot A, Robert C, Barrey E. 2016. Integrated mRNA and miRNA expression profiling in blood reveals candidate biomarkers associated with endurance exercise in the horse. Sci Rep. 6, 22932
Pacholewska A, Mach N, Mata X, Vaiman A, Schibler L, Barrey E, Gerber V. 2016. Novel equine tissue miRNAs and breed-related miRNA expressed in serum. BMC Genomics. 17, 831
Pegolo S, Cecchinato A, Mach N, Babbucci M, Pauletto M, Bargelloni L, Schiavon S, Bittante G. 2016. Transcriptomic changes in liver of young bulls caused by diets low in mineral and protein contents and supplemented with n-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid. PLoS One. 11, e0167747.
Trachsel DS, Giraudet A, Maso D, Hervé G, Hauri DD, Barrey E, Robert C. 2016. Relationships between body dimensions, body weight age, gender, breed and echoradiographic dimensions in young endurance horses. BMC Vet Res. 12, 226
Younes M, Barrey E, Cottin F, Robert C. 2016. Elimination in long-distance endurance rides: insights from the analysis of 7,032 starts in 80 to 160 km competitions. Comp Exercise Physiol. 12, 157-167
Younes M, Robert C, Barrey E, Cottin F. 2016. Effects of age, exercise duration, and test conditions on heart rate variability in young endurance horses. Front Physiol. 7, 155
Bandiera S., Barrey E., Ernoult-Lange M., Gidrol X., Henrion-Caude A., Huang L., Saint-Auret G., Weil D. 2012. Mitochondria, microRNA and RNA interference. M S-Medecine Sciences, 28, 23-26
Barrey E., Jayr L., Mucher E., Gospodnetic S., Joly F., Benech P., Alibert O., Gidrol X., Mata X., Vaiman A., Guérin G. 2012. Transcriptome analysis of muscle in horses suffering from recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis revealed energetic pathway alterations and disruption in the cytosolic calcium regulation. Animal Genetics, 43, 271-281
Brard S, Ricard A. 2015. Is the use of formulae a reliable way to predict the accuracy of genomic selection? J Anim Breed Genet. 132, 207-217
Brard S, Ricard A. 2015. Genome-wide association study for jumping performances in French sport horses. Anim Genet. 46, 78-81
Brard S, Ricard A. 2015. Should we use the single nucleotide polymorphism linked to in genomic evaluation of French trotter? J Anim Sci. 93, 4651-4659
Hernando Boigues JF, Mach N. 2015. The effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on obesity through epigenetic modifications. Endocrinol Nutr.
Kornaś S, Sallé G, Skalska M, David I, Ricard A, Cabaret J. 2015. Estimation of genetic parameters for resistance to gastro-intestinal nematodes in pure blood Arabian horses. Int J Parasitol. 45, 237-242
Luck MH, Le Moyec L, Barrey E, Triba MN, Bouchemal N, Savarin P, Robert C. 2015. Energetics of endurance exercise in young horses determined by nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics. Front Physiol.
Ricard A. 2015. Does heterozygosity at the DMRT3 gene make French trotters better racers ? Genet Sel Evol. 47, 10
Younes M, Robert C, Cottin F, Barrey E. 2015. Speed and cardiac recovery variables predict the probability of elimination in equine endurance events. PloS One. 10, e0137013
Sancho M, Mach Casellas N. 2014. Effects of wine polyphenols on cancer prevention. Nutricion Hospitalaria. 31, 535-551
Desjardin C, Charles C, Benoist-Lasselin C, Riviere J, Gilles M, Chassande O, Morgenthaler C, Laloé D, Lecardonnel J, Flamant F, Legeai-Mallet L, Schibler L. 2014. Chondrocytes play a major role in the stimulation of bone growth by thyroid hormone. Endocrinology. 155, 3123-3135
Desjardin C, Chat S, Gilles M, Legendre R, Riviere J, Mata X, Balliau T, Esquerré D, Cribiu EP, Betch JM, Schibler L. 2014. Involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction and ER-stress in the physiopathology of equine osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). Exp Mol Pathol. 96, 328-338
Desjardin C, Riviere J, Vaiman A, Morgenthaler C, Diribarne M, Zivy M, Robert C, Le Moyec L, Wimel L, Lepage O, Jacques C, Cribiu E, Schibler L. Omics technologies provide new insights into the molecular physiopathology of equine osteochondrosis. BMC Genomics. 15, 947
Desjardin C, Vaiman A, Mata X, Legendre R, Laubier J, Kennedy SP, Laloe D, Barrey E, Jacques C, Cribiu EP, Schibler L. 2014. Next-generation sequencing identifies equine cartilage and subchondral bone miRNAs and suggests their involvement in osteochondrosis physiopathology. BMC Genomics. 15, 798
Le Moyec L, Robert C, Triba MN, Billat VL, Mata X, Schibler L, Barrey E. 2014. Protein catabolism and high lipid metabolism associated with long-distance exercise are revealed by plasma NMR metabolomics in endurance horses. PLoS One. 9, e90730
Mignardot JB, Deschamps T, Barrey E, Auvinet B, Berrut G, Cornu C, Constans T, de Decker L. 2014. Gait disturbances as specific predictive markers of the first fall onset in elderly people: a two-year prospective observational study. Front Aging Neurosci. 25, 6-22
Petersen JL, Mickelson JR, Cothran EG, Andersson LS, Axelsson J, Bailey E, Bannasch D, Binns MM, Borges AS, Brama P,da Câmara Machado A, Distl O, Felicetti M, Fox -Clipsham M, Graves KT, Guérin G, Haase B, Hasegawa T, Hemmann K, Hill EW, Leeb T, Lindgren G, Lohi H, Lopes MS, McGivney BA, Mikko S, Orr N, Penedo MCT, Piercy RJ, Raekallio M, Rieder S, Røed KH, Silvestrelli M, Swinburne J, Tozaki T, Vaudin M, Wade CM, McCue ME. 2013. Genetic Diversity in the Modern Horse Illustrated from Genome-Wide SNP Data. Plos ONE 8, e54997
Petersen J.L., J.R. Mickelson, A.K. Rendahl, S.J. Valberg, L.S. Andersson, J. Axelsson, E. Bailey, D. Bannasch, M.M. Binns, A.S. Borges, P. Brama, A. da Câmara Machado, S. Capomaccio, K. Cappelli, E.G. Cothran, O. Distl, L. Fox-Clipsham, K.T. Graves, G. Guérin, B. Haase, T. Hasegawa, K. Hemmann, E.W. Hill, T. Leeb, G. Lindgren, H. Lohi, M.S. Lopes, B.A. McGivney, S. Mikko, N. Orr, M.C.T. Penedo, R.J. Piercy, M. Raekallio, S. Rieder, K.H. Røed, J. Swinburne, T. Tozaki, M. Vaudin, C.M. Wade, M.E. McCue. 2013. Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Selection for Important Traits in Domestic Horse Breeds. Plos Genetics 9, e1003211.
Ricard A., Perrocheau M., Couroucé-Malblanc A., Valette J. P., Tourtoulou G., Dufosset J. M., Robert C., Chaffaux S., Denoix J. M., Guérin G. 2013. Genetic parameters of Juvenile Osteoarticular Conditions (JOAC) in French Trotter Equine. Veterinary Journal 197,77-82
Sabbagh M, Danvy S, Ricard A. 2014. Genetic and environmental analysis of dystocia and stillbirths in draft horses. Animal 8, 184-191