Publications Equipe Plateforme

Publications de l'équipe Plateforme

Publications de l'équipe Plateforme

Publications récentes

Bidnenko V, Chastanet A, Pechoux C, Redko-Hamel Y, Pellegrini O, Durand S, Condon C, Boudvillain M, Jules M, Bidnenko E    Complex sporulation-specific expression of transcription termination factor Rho highlights its involvement in Bacillus subtilis cell differentiation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 

Kallianioti A, Bourdon G, Grandhaye J, Chevaleyre C, Aboulouard S, Pechoux C, Ribes S, Sellem E, Rame C, Plotton I, Fournier I, Salzet M, Dupont J, Douard V, Froment P    Mice. Lacking the Fructose Transporter Glut5 Exhibit Excessive Androgens and Reduced Sperm Motility. Endocrinology 


Bernard M, Lecoeur A, Coville J-L, Bruneau N, Jardet D, Lagarrigue S, Meynadier A, Calenge F, Pascal G, Zerjal T. 2024. Relationship between feed efficiency and gut microbiota in laying chickens under contrasting feeding conditions. Scientif Rep 

Besnard F., Guintard A., Grohs C., Guzylack-Piriou L., Cano M., Escouflaire C., Hoze C., Leclerc H., Buronfosse T., Dutheil L., Jourdain J., Barbat A., Fritz S., Deloche M.C., Remot A., Gausseres B., Clement A., Bouchier M., Contat E., Relun A., Plassard V., Riviere J., Pechoux C., Vilotte M., Eche C., Kuchly C., Charles M., Boulling A., Viard G., Minery S., Barbey S., Birbes C., Danchin-Burge C., Launay F., Mattalia S., Allais-Bonnet A., Ravary B., Millemann Y., Guatteo R., Klopp C., Gaspin C., Iampietro C., Donnadieu C., Milan D., Arcangioli M.A., Boussaha M., Foucras G., Boichard D., Capitan A. Massive detection of cryptic recessive genetic defects in cattle mining millions of life histories ? Genome Biol. 

Bourdon G, Chevaleyre C, Estienne A, Péchoux C, Bourgeais J, Hérault O, Ba M, Ramé C, Dupont J, Ducluzeau PH, Froment P. The hepatokine FGF21 stopped lipogenesis and reduced testosterone production in mLTC-1 Leydig Cell Line. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 

Couty N, Estienne A, Le Lay S, Rame C, Chevaleyre C, Allard-Vannier E, Péchoux C, Guerif F, Vasseur C, Aboulouard S, Salzet M, Dupont J, Froment P. 2024. Human ovarian extracellular vesicles proteome from polycystic ovary syndrome patients associate with follicular development alterations. FASEB J 

Daniel-Carlier N, Castille J, Passet B, Vilotte M, Le Danvic C, Jaffrezic F, Beauvallet C, Péchoux C, Capitan A, Vilotte J-L. 2024 Targeted mutation and inactivation of the kinesin light chain 3 protein-encoding gene have no impact on mouse fertility. Biology of Reproduction 

Débare H, Blanc F, Piton G, Leplat JJ, Vincent‑Naulleau S, Rivière J, Vilotte M, Marthey S, Lecardonnel J, Coville JL, Estellé J, Rau A,Bourneuf E, Egidy G. Malignant features of minipig melanomas prior to spontaneous regression. Scientif Rep.

Degrelle SA, Liu F, Laloe D, Richard C, Le Bourhis D, Rossignol MN, Hue I. 2024. Understanding bovine embryo elongation: a transcriptomic study of trophoblastic vesicles. Front Physiol

Guerin H, Courtin P, Guillot A, Pechoux C, Mahony J, van Sinderen D, Kulakauskas S, Cambillau C, Touze T, Chapot-Chartier M-P. Molecular mechanisms underlying the structural diversity of rhamnose-rich cell wall polysaccharides in lactococci.    The Journal of biological chemistry.

Issa M, Michaudel C, Guinot M, Grauso M, Guillon B, Lecardonnel J, Jouneau L, Chapuis C, Bernard H, Hazebrouck S, Castelli F, Fenaille F, Gaultier E, Rivière G, Houdeau E, Adel-Patient K. 2024. Long-term exposure from perinatal life to food-grade TiO2 alters intestinal homeostasis and predisposes to food allergy in young mice. Allergy  

Ivanova E, Hue-Beauvais C, Castille J, Laubier J, Le Guillou S, Aujean E, Lecardonnel J, Lebrun L, Jaffrezic F, Rousseau-Ralliard D, Péchoux C, Letheule M, Foucras G, Charlier M, Le Provost F. 2024. Mutation of SOCS2 induces structural and functional changes in mammary development. Development.

Le Ribeuz H, Saint-Martin Willer A, Chevalier B, Sancho M, Masson B, Eyries M, Jung V, Guerrera IC, Dutheil M, El Jekmek K, Laubry L, Carpentier G, Perez-Vizcaino F, Tu L, Guignabert C, Chaumais M-C, Péchoux C, Humbert M, Hinzpeter A, Mercier O, Capuano V, Montani D , Antigny F. 2024. Role of KCNK3 Dysfunction in Dasatinib-associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Endothélial Cell Dysfunction. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.

Larzul C, Estelle J, Borey M, Blanc F, Lemonnier G, Billon Y, Thiam MG, Quinquis B, Galleron N, Jardet D, Lecardonnel J, Plaza Onate F, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2024.  Driving gut microbiota enterotypes through host genetics. Microbiome. 

Péchoux C, Antigny F, Perros F. 2024. A correlated light and electron microscopy approach to study the subcellular localization of phosphorylated vimentin in human lung tissue. Method Cell Biol.

Schmidt Kjølner Hansen S, Krautz R, Rago D, Havelund J, Stigliani A, Færgeman NJ, Prézelin A, Rivière J, Couturier-Tarrade A, Akimov V, Blagoev B, Elfving B, Neess D, Vogel U, Khodosevich K, Hougaard KS, Sandelin A. 2024. Pulmonary maternal immune activation does not cross the placenta but leads to fetal metabolic adaptation. Nature Comm

Vu Manh T-P, Gouin C, de Wolf J, Jouneau L, Pascale F, Bevilacqua C, Ar Gouilh M, da Costa B, Chevalier C, Glorion M, Hannouche L, Urien C, Estephan J, Magnan A, Le Guen M, Marquant Q, Descamps D, Dalod M, Schwartz-Cornil I, Sage E. 2024. SARS-CoV2 infection in whole lung primarily targets macrophages that display subset-specific responses. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 


Boussaha M, Boulling A, Wolgust V, Bourgeois-Brunel L, Michot P, Grohs C, Gaiani N, Grivaud P-Y, Leclerc H, Danchin-Burge C, Vilotte M, Rivière J, Boichard D, Gourreau J-M, Capitan A. 2023. Integrin alpha 6 homozygous splice-site mutation causes a new form of junctional epidermolysis bullosa in Charolais cattle Genet Sel Evol.

Chamignon C, Mallaret G, Riviere J, Vilotte M, Chadi S, de Moreno de LeBlanc A, LeBlanc JG, Carvalho FA, Pane M, Mousset P-Y, Langella P, Lafay S, Bermudez-Humaran  G. 2023. Beneficial Effects of Lactobacilli Species on Intestinal Homeostasis in Low-Grade Inflammation and Stress Rodent Models and Their Implication in the Modulation of the Adhesive Junctional Complex. Biomolecules. 

Daniel-Carlier N, Castille J, Passet B, Vilotte M, Le Danvic C, Jaffrezic F, Beauvallet C, Pechoux C, Capitan A, Vilotte J-L. 2023. Targeted mutation and inactivation of the kinesin light chain 3 protein-encoding gene have no impact on mouse fertility. Biology of reproduction. 

Fromain A, Van de Walle A, Cure G, Pechoux C, Serrano A, Lalatonne Y, Espinosa A, Wilhelm C. 2023. Biomineralization of magnetic nanoparticles in stem cells. Nanoscale. 

Glorion M, Pascale F, Estephan J, Huriet M, Gouin C, Urien C, Blanc F, Riviere J, Richard C, Gelin V, De Wolf J, Le Guen M, Magnan A, Roux A, Schwartz-Cornil I, Sage E . 2023. A cross-circulatory platform for monitoring innate allo-responses in lung grafts. PloS one. 

Gouin C, Vu Manh T-P, Jouneau L, Bevilacqua C, De Wolf J, Glorion M, Hannouche L, Urien C, Estephan J, Roux A, Magnan A, Le Guen M, Da Costa B, Chevalier C, Descamps D, Schwartz-Cornil I, Dalod M, Sage E. 2023. Cell type- and time-dependent biological responses in ex vivo perfused lung grafts. Frontiers in immunology. 

Guerin H, Quenee P, Palussiere S, Courtin P, Andre G, Pechoux C, Costache V, Mahony J, van Sinderen D, Kulakauskas S, Chapot-Chartier M-P. 2023. PBP2b Mutations Improve the Growth of Phage-Resistant Lactococcus cremoris Lacking Polysaccharide Pellicle. Applied and environmental microbiology. 

Issa M, Michaudel C, Guinot M, Grauso-Culetto M, Guillon B, Lecardonnel J, Jouneau L, Chapuis C, Bernard H, Hazebrouck S, Castelli F, Fenaille F, Gaultier E, Riviere G, Houdeau E, Adel-Patient K. 2023. Long-term exposure from perinatal life to food-grade TiO2 alters intestinal homeostasis and predisposes to food allergy in young mice. Allergy

Khadhraoui N, Prola A, Vandestienne A, Blondelle J, Guillaud L, Courtin G, Bodak M, Prost B, Huet H, Wintrebert M, Pechoux C, Solgadi A, Relaix F, Tiret L, Pilot-Storck F. 2023. Hacd2 deficiency in mice leads to an early and lethal mitochondrial disease. Molecular metabolism 

Krupova Z, Leroux C, Péchoux C, Bevilacqua C, Martin P. 2023. Comparison of goat and cow milk-derived extracellular vesicle miRNomes. Scientific data. 

Rizzotto F, Marin M, Pechoux C, Auger S, Vidic J. 2023. Colorimetric aptasensor for detection of Bacillus cytotoxicus spores in milk and ready-to-use food. Heliyon.  

Zhao H, Sene S, Mielcarek AM, Miraux S, Menguy N, Ihiawakrim D, Ersen O, Pechoux C, Guillou N, Scola J, Greneche J-M, Nouar F, Mura S, Carn F, Gazeau F, Dumas E, Serre C, Steunou N. 2023. Hierarchical superparamagnetic metal-organic framework nanovectors as anti-inflammatory nanomedicines. Journal of materials chemistry. 


Borges F, Briandet R, Callon C, Champomier-Vergès M-C, Christieans S, Chuzeville S, Denis C, Desmasures N, Desmonts M-H, Feurer C, Leroi F, Leroy S, Mounier J, Passerini D, Pilet M-F, Schlusselhuber M, Stahl V, Strub C, Talon R, Zagorec M. 2022. Contribution of omics to biopreservation: Toward food microbiome engineering Front Microbiol. 

Bouchel D. 2022. La mise en œuvre des réglementations sur l'accès aux ressources génétiques et le partage des avantages (APA) dans les centres de ressources biologiques membres de RARe. Nov'AE 

Cazals A, Estelle J, Bruneau N, Coville JL, Menanteau P, Rossignol MN, Jardet D, Bevilacqua C, Rau A, Bed'Hom B, Velge P, Calenge F. 2022. Differences in caecal microbiota composition and Salmonella carriage between experimentally infected inbred lines of chickens. Gen Sel Evol. 

Chebrout M, Kone MC, Jan HU, Cournut M, Letheule M, Fleurot R, Aguirre-Lavin T, Peynot N, Jouneau A, Beaujean N, Bonnet-Garnier A. 2022. Transcription of rRNA in early mouse embryos promotes chromatin reorganization and expression of major satellite repeats. J CELL SCIENCE. 

Conde C, Theze J, Cochard T, Rossignol MN, Fourichon C, Delafosse A, Joly A, Guatteo R, Schibler L, Bannantine JP, Biet F. 2022. Genetic Features of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Strains Circulating in the West of France Deciphered by Whole-Genome Sequencing. MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM. 

Curcio A, van de Walle A, Pechoux C, Abou-Hassan A, Wilhelm C. 2022. In Vivo Assimilation of CuS, Iron Oxide and Iron Oxide@CuS Nanoparticles in Mice: A 6-Month Follow-Up Study. PHARMACEUTICS.

Floriot S, Bellutti L, Castille J, Moison P, Messiaen S, Passet B, Boulanger L, Boukadiri A, Tourpin S, Beauvallet C, Vilotte M, Riviere J, Pechoux C, Bertaud M, Vilotte JL, Livera G. 2022. CEP250 is Required for Maintaining Centrosome Cohesion in the Germline and Fertility in Male Mice. Front Cell Dev. 

Leduc A, Le Guillou S, Bianchi L, Oliveira Correia L, Gelé M, J. Pires J, Martin P, Leroux C, Le Provost F, Boutinaud M. 2022. Milk proteins as a feed restriction signature indicating the metabolic adaptation of dairy cows. Scientific report. 

Marin M, Rizzotto F, Leguillier V, Pechoux C, Borezee-Durant E, Vidic J. 2022. Naked-eye detection of Staphylococcus aureus in powdered milk and infant formula using gold nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS

Marthey S, Delavaud A, Marthey N, Méal C, Tixier-Boichard M. 2022. Présentation du portail d'accès aux ressources biologiques du pilier animal de RARe. Nov'AE 

Martignon M, Bergheaud V, Buff S, Chuat V, Cottin R, Goussopoulos J, Jardet D, Tixier-Boichard M, Valence F. 2022. Déploiement de Systèmes de Management de la Qualité dans les Centres de Ressources Biologiques de l’Infrastructure de Recherche RARe. Nov'AE 

Pereira G, Guo YZ, Silva E, Bevilacqua C, Charpigny G, Lopes-da-Costa L, Humblot P. 2022. Progesterone differentially affects the transcriptomic profiles of cow endometrial cell types. BMC Genomics. 

Pereira G, Guo YZ, Silva E, Silva MF, Bevilacqua C, Charpigny G, Lopes-da-Costa L, Humblot P. 2022. Subclinical endometritis differentially affects the transcriptomic profiles of endometrial glandular, luminal, and stromal cells of postpartum dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci 

Rejasse A, Waeytens J, Deniset-Besseau A, Crapart N, Nielsen-Leroux C, Sandt C. 2022. Plastic biodegradation: Do Galleria mellonella Larvae Bioassimilate Polyethylene? A Spectral Histology Approach Using Isotopic Labeling and Infrared Microspectroscopy Env Sci Tech. 


Borey M, Blanc F, Lemonnier G, Leplat JJ, Jardet D, Rossignol MN, Ravon L, Billon Y, Bernard M, Estelle J, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2021. Links between fecal microbiota and the response to vaccination against influenza A virus in pigs. NPJ Vaccines, 6

Castille J, Passet B, Makhzami S, Vilotte M, Moazami-Goudarzi K, Truchet S, Daniel-Carlier N, Gaillard AL, Andréoletti O, Vaiman D, Beauvallet C, Vaiman A, Floriot S, Calvel P, Mouillet-Richard S, Duchesne A, Béringue V, Vilotte JL. 2021. Co-invalidation of Prnp and Sprn in FVB/N mice affects reproductive performances and highlight complex biological relationship between PrP and Shadoo. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 551.

Chankeaw W, Lignier S, Richard C, Ntallaris T, Raliou M, Guo YZ, Plassard D, Bevilacqua C, Sandra O, Andersson G, Humblot P, Charpigny G. 2021 . Analysis of the transcriptome of bovine endometrial cells isolated by laser micro-dissection (1): specific signatures of stromal, glandular and luminal epithelial cells. BMC Genomics. 22

Chankeaw W, Lignier S, Richard C, Ntallaris T, Raliou M, Guo YZ, Plassard D, Bevilacqua C, Sandra O, Andersson G, Humblot P, Charpigny G. 2021. Analysis of the transcriptome of bovine endometrial cells isolated by laser micro-dissection (2): impacts of post-partum negative energy balance on stromal, glandular and luminal epithelial cells. BMC Genomics. 22

Conde C, Branger M, Cochard T, Rossignol MN, Fourichon C, Delafosse A, Davergne A, Joly A, Ngwa-Mbot D, Journaux L, Guatteo R, Schibler L, Biet F. 2021. Draft Genome Sequences of 142 Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Strains Isolated from Naturally Infected Dairy Cattle. MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCE ANNOUNCEMENTS. 10, e00697-21 

Consentino L, Rejasse A, Crapart N, Bevilacqua C, Nielsen-LeRoux C. 2021. Laser capture microdissection to study Bacillus cereus iron homeostasis gene expression during Galleria mellonella in vivo gut colonization. Virulence. 12, 2104-2121

Crisci E, Moroldo M, Manh TPV, Mohammad A, Jourdren L, Urien C, Bouguyon E, Bordet E,  Bevilacqua C, Bourge M, Pezant J, Pleau A,  Boulesteix O, SchwartzI I, Bertho N, Giuffra E. 2020. Distinctive cellular and metabolic reprogramming in porcine lung mononuclear phagocytes infected with type 1 PRRSV strains. Front Immunol. 11, 588411

Hurtaud C, Chaabouni R, Resmond R, Miranda G, Graulet B, Morinière C. 2021. Caractérisation du lait de deux races locales de vaches: la Bretonne Pie Noir et la Froment du Léon. INRAE Prod Anim. 34, 29- 46. 

Mach N, Moroldo M, Rau A, Lecardonnel J, Le Moyec L, Robert C, Barrey E. 2021. Understanding the Holobiont: Crosstalk Between Gut Microbiota and Mitochondria During Long Exercise in Horse. Front. Mol. Biosci.  8, 656204 

Le Ribeuz H, To L, Ghigna MR, Martin C, Nagaraj C, Dreano E, Rucker-Martin C, Girerd B, Bouligand JM, Pechoux C, Lambert M, Boet A, Issard J, Mercier O, Hoetzenecker K, Manoury B, Becq F, Burgel PR, Cottart CH, Olschewski A, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Perros F, Humbert M, Montani D, Antigny F. 2021. Involvement of CFTR in the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, 58 

Lu J, Le Hir R, Gomez-Paez D-M, Coen O, Pechoux C, Jasinski S, Magnani E. 2021. The nucellus: between cell elimination and sugar transport. Plant Physiol. 185, 478-490

Sellem E, Marthey S, Rau A, Jouneau L, Bonnet A, Le Danvic C, Guyonnet B, Kiefer H, Jammes H, Schibler L. 2021. Dynamics of cattle sperm sncRNAs during maturation, from testis to ejaculated sperm. Epig Chrom, 14

Tixier-Boichard M, Fabre S, Dhorne-Pollet S, Goubil A, Acloque H, Vincent-Naulleau S, Ross P, Wang Y, Chanthavixay G, Cheng H, Ernst C, Leesburg V, Giuffra E, Zhou H, the Collaborative Working Group.  2021. Tissue Resources for the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes. Front Genet. 12