Publications de l'équipe GéMS

Publications de l'équipe GéMS

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Publications récentes

Ferreira VHB, Seressia J, Même N, Bernard J, Pinard-van der Laan MH, Calenge F, Lecoeur A, Hedlund L, Jensen P, Guesdon V, Calandreau L    Early and late cognitive and behavioral aspects associated with range use in free-range laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Poultry science  

Jansseune S, Lammers A, Hendriks WH, van Baal J, Wierenga PA. The Heat Treatment of a Lactobacilli Probiotic to Derive a Postbiotic Has Minor Effects on the Metabolomic Profile. Fermentation 

Sebastià C, Folch JM, Ballester M, Estellé J, Passols M, Muñoz M, García-Casco JM, Fernández AI, Castelló A, Sánchez A, Crespo-Piazuelo D. Interrelation between gut microbiota, SCFA, and fatty acid composition in pigs. mSystems.

Zhou HJ, Clark E, Guan DL, Lagarrigue s, Fang LZ, Cheng H, Tuggle CK, Kapoor M, Wang Y, Giuffra E, Egidy G. Epigenomics of Transcriptional. Annual review of animal biosciences 


Andriuta D, Roussel M, Chene G, Fischer C, Mangin J-F, Dubois B, Vellas B, Pasquier F, Tison F, Blanc F, Hanon O , Paquet C, Gabelle A, Ceccaldi M, Annweiler C, Krolak-Salmon P, David R, Rouch-Leroyer I, Benetos A, Moreaud O, Sellal F, Jalenques I, Vandel P, Bouteloup V, Godefroy O. 2024. The pattern of cortical thickness associated with executive dysfunction in MCI and SCC: The MEMENTO cohort.Revue Neurologique 

Bernard M, Lecoeur A, Coville J-L, Bruneau N, Jardet D, Lagarrigue S, Meynadier A, Calenge F, Pascal G, Zerjal T. 2024. Relationship between feed efficiency and gut microbiota in laying chickens under contrasting feeding conditions. Scientif Rep

Bessa Ducrot C, Barrio MB, Boissy A, Charrier F, Even S, Mormède P, Petit S, Pinard-van der laan M-H, Schelcher F, Casabianca F, Ducos A, Foucras G, Guatteo R, Peyraud J-L, Vayssier-Taussat M, Veysset P,Friggens NC,Fernandez X. 2024. Animal Board Invited Review: Improving animal health and welfare in the transition of livestock farming systems: towards social acceptability and sustainability. Animal. 

Bessa Ferraira VH, Seressia J, Lansade L, Même N, Bernard J, Pinard-van der Laan M-H, Calenge F, Lecoeur A, Calandreau L, Dutour M. 2023. Discrimination of familiar and unfamiliar human voices is independent of prolonged human-animal interaction in domestic chicks.  Applied Animal Behaviour Science

BRULIN L., DUCROCQ S., ESTELLE J., EVEN G., MARTEL S., MERLIN S., AUDEBERT C., CROISEAU P., SANCHEZ M.P. 2024. The fecal microbiota of Holstein cows is heritable and genetically correlated to dairy performances. JDS 

Brulin L, Ducrocq S, Even G, Sanchez M.-P, Martel S, Merlin S, Audebert C, Croiseau P, Estelle J. 2024. Bifidobacterium abundance in the faecal microbiota is strongly associated with milk traits in dairy cattle. Animal 

Brulin L, Ducrocq S, Even G, Sanchez M.-P, Martel S, Merlin S, Audebert C, Croiseau P, Estelle J. 2024. Characterization of bovine vaginal microbiota and its relationship with host fertility, health and production. Scientif Rep.

Débare H, Blanc F, Piton G, Leplat JJ, Vincent‑Naulleau S, Rivière J, Vilotte M, Marthey S, Lecardonnel J, Coville JL, Estellé J, Rau A,  Bourneuf E, Egidy G. Malignant features of minipig melanomas prior to spontaneous regression. Scientif Rep. 

Degalez F, Charles M, Foissac S, Zhou H, Guan D , Fang L, Klopp C, Allain C, Lagoutte L, Lecerf F, Acloque H, Giuffra E, Pitel F, Lagarrigue S. 2024. Enriched atlas of lncRNA and protein-coding genes for the GRCg7b chicken assembly and its functional annotation across 47 tissues. Scientif Rep 

De Wolf J, Gouin C, Jouneau L, Glorion M, Premachandra A, Pascale F, Huriet M, Estephan J, Leplat JJ, Egidy G, Richard C, Gelin V, Urien C, Roux A, Le Guen M, Schwartz-Cornil I, Sage E. 2024. Prolonged dialysis during ex vivo lung perfusion promotes inflammatory responses. Front Immunol  

Ducrot C, Barrio MB, Boissy A, Charrier F, Even S, Mormède P, Petit S, Pinard-van der laan M-H, Schelcher F, Casabianca F, Ducos A,Guatteo R,  Foucras G, Peyraud J-L, Vayssier-Taussat M, Veysset P,Friggens NC,Fernandez X. 2024. Jointly improving animal health and welfare in the transition of livestock  systems towards sustainability. INRAE Productions Animales 

Gindri M, Ithurbide M, Pires J, Rupp R, Puillet L, Friggens NC. 2024. Responses of selected plasma metabolites to a two-day nutritional challenge of goats divergently selected for functional longevity. J Dairy Sci 

Heras-Molina A, Estellé J, Vazquez-Gomez M, Lopez-Garcia A, Pesantez-Pacheco JL, Astiz S, Garcia-Contreras C, Escudero R, Isabel B, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Ovilo C. 2024. The impact of host genetics on porcine gut microbiota composition excluding maternal and postnatal environmental influences. Plos ONE 

Jansseune S, Blanc F, Lammers A, van Baal J, Bruneau N, Pinard van der Laan MH, Hendriks WH, Calenge F. 2024. Microbiota but not immune modulation by a pro- and postbiotic was associated with the diet-additive interaction in broilers. Poultry Science. 

Jansseune S, Lammers A, van Baal J, Blanc F, Pinard van der Laan MH, Calenge F, Hendriks WH. Diet composition influences probiotic and postbiotic effects on broiler growth and physiology. Poultry Science.

Larzul C, Estelle J, Borey M, Blanc F, Lemonnier G, Billon Y, Thiam MG, Quinquis B, Galleron N, Jardet D, Lecardonnel J, Plaza Onate F, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2024.  Driving gut microbiota enterotypes through host genetics. Microbiome. 

Lecoeur A, Blanc F, Gourichon D, Bruneau N, Burlot T, Pinard-van der Laan M-H, Calenge F. 2024. Host genetics drives differences in cecal microbiota composition and immune traits of laying hens raised in the same environment. Poultry Science 

Métayer Coustard S, Rossignol C, Collin A, Blanc F, Lallier N, Schouler C, Le Bihan-Duval E, Travel A, Lalmanach A-C. 2024. Intestinal avian defensin 2 and robustness of chicks. Poultry Science 

The FarmGTEx PigGTEx Consortium,... Giuffra E... Rocha D, Charles M,... Fang L. 2024. A compendium of genetic regulatory effects across pig tissues. Nature comm. 

Zhou H, Clark EL, Guan D, LagarrigueS, Fang L, Cheng H, Tuggle CK, Kapoor M, Wang Y, Giuffra E, Egidy G. 2024. Comparative Genomics and Epigenomics of Transcriptional Regulation. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. 


Barone M, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Estelle J, Tambosco K, Chadi S, Maillard F, Gallopin M, Planchais J, Chain F, Kropp C, Rios-Covian D, Sokol H, Brigidi P, Langella P, Martin R. 2023. C-section delivery induces gut barrier-microbiota imbalances in early life and leads to higher sensitivity to inflammation. BMC microbiome.

Bhatia V, Bai X, Fortin F, Harding J, Dyck M, Field C, Rogel-Gaillard C, Blanc F, Plastow G, Dekkers JCM    Disease Resilience Indicators Based on Phagocytosis Assays on Blood from Young Healthy Pigs. 2023. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE  

Blanc F, Bertho N, Piton G, Leplat J-J, Egidy G, Bourneuf E, Vincent-Naulleau S, Prevost-Blondel A. 2023. Deciphering the immune reaction leading to spontaneous melanoma regression: initial role of MHCII+ CD163- macrophages. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy. 

Coustard Metayer S, Rossignol C, Collin A, Blanc F, Lallier N, Schouler C, Duval Le Bihan E, Travel A, Lalmanach A-C. 2023.Intestinal avian defensin 2 and robustness of chick. SCIENCE 

Crespo-Piazuelo D, Acloque H, González-Rodríguez O, Mongellaz M, Mercat M-J, Bink MCAM, Huisman AE, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Sánchez JP, Ballester M. 2023. Identification of transcriptional regulatory variants in pig duodenum, liver, and muscle tissues. Gigasciences. 

Glorion M, Pascale F, Estephan J, Huriet M, Gouin C, Urien C, Blanc F, Riviere J, Richard C, Gelin V, De Wolf J, Le Guen M, Magnan A, Roux A, Schwartz-Cornil I, Sage E . 2023. A cross-circulatory platform for monitoring innate allo-responses in lung grafts. PloS one. 

Glorion M, Pascale F, Huriet M, Estephan J, Gouin C, Urien C, Bourge M, Egidy G, Richard C, Gelin V, De Wolf J, Le Guen M, Magnan A, Roux A, Devillier P, Schwartz-Cornil I, Sage E. 2023. Differential early response of monocyte/macrophage subsets to intra-operative corticosteroid administration in lung transplantation. Frontiers in immunology

Michaels V, Chalabi S, Legrand A, Renard J, Tejerina E, Daouya M, Fabrega S, Megret J, Olaso R, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Battail C, Tronik-Le Roux D, Ezine S. 2023. Co-Transplantation of Barcoded Lymphoid-Primed Multipotent (LMPP) and Common Lymphocyte (CLP) Progenitors Reveals a Major Contribution of LMPP to the Lymphoid Lineage. IntJMolSci. 

Sebastia C, Folch JM, Ballester M, Estelle J, Passols M, Munoz M, Garcia-Casco JM, Fernandez AI, Castello A, Sanchez A, Crespo-Piazuelo D    Interrelation between gut microbiota, SCFA, and fatty acid composition in pigs.mSystems 

Rani S, Sorensen MT, Estelle J, Noel SJ, Norskov N, Krogh U, Foldager L, Hojberg. 2023. Gastrointestinal Microbial Ecology of Weaned Piglets Fed Diets with Different Levels of Glyphosate. MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM. 


Bedere N, Berghof TVL, Peeters K, Pinard-Van der Laan MH, Visscher J, David I, Mulder HA. 2022. Using egg production longitudinal recording to study the genetic background of resilience in purebred and crossbred laying hens. Gen Sel Evol. 

Borey M, Bed’Hom B, Bruneau N, Estellé J, Larsen F, Blanc F, Pinard-van der Laan M-H, Dalgaard T, Calenge F. 2022. Caecal microbiota composition of experimental inbred MHC-B lines infected with IBV differs according to genetics and vaccination. Scientific report 

Cazals A, Estelle J, Bruneau N, Coville JL, Menanteau P, Rossignol MN, Jardet D, Bevilacqua C, Rau A, Bed'Hom B, Velge P, Calenge F. 2022. Differences in caecal microbiota composition and Salmonella carriage between experimentally infected inbred lines of chickens. Gen Sel Evol.

De Wolf J, Glorion M, Jouneau L, Estephan J, Leplat JJ, Blanc F, Richard C, Urien C, Roux A, Le Guen M, Journois D, Schwartz-Cornil I, Sage E. 2022. Challenging the Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion Procedure With Continuous Dialysis in a Pig Model. TRANSPLANTATION

Duclos R, Delanoue E, Dockes AC, Journaux L, Sourdioux M, Bidanel JP. 2022. Targeted genome modification applied to animals: in between controversies. INRA PROD ANIM.

Mage RJ, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2022. Immunogenetics in the rabbit. The genetics and genomics of the rabbit. Book, Chap. 5

Wragg D, Eynard SE, Basso B, Canale-Tabet K, Labarthe E, Bouchez O, Bienefeld K, Bienkowska M, Costa C, Gregorc A, Kryger P, Parejo M, Pinto MA, Bidanel JP, Servin B, Le Conte Y, Vignal A. 2022. Complex population structure and haplotype patterns in the Western European honey bee from sequencing a large panel of haploid drones. Mol Eco Res



Beaumont M, Blanc F, Cherbuy C, Egidy G, Giufra E, Lacroix‑Lamandé S, Wiedemann A. 2021. Intestinal organoids in farm animals. Vet Res. 52, 33

Blanc F,  Maroilley T,  Revilla M, Lemonnier G, Leplat JJ,  Billon Y, Ravon L, Bouchez O, Bidanel JP, Bed’Hom B, Pinard‑van der Laan MH, Estellé J, Rogel‑Gaillard C. 2021. Influence of genetics and the pre-vaccination blood transcriptome on the variability of antibody levels after vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in pigs. Genet Sel Evol. 53, 24

Borey M, Blanc F, Lemonnier G, Leplat JJ, Jardet D, Rossignol MN, Ravon L, Billon Y, Bernard M, Estelle J, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2021. Links between fecal microbiota and the response to vaccination against influenza A virus in pigs. NPJ Vaccines, 6

Chamberlain AJ, Cheng HH, Giuffra E, Kuehn C, Tuggle CK, Zhou HJ. 2021. Editorial: Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes. Front Genet. 12

Crisci E, Moroldo M, Manh TPV, Mohammad A, Jourdren L, Urien C, Bouguyon E, Bordet E,  Bevilacqua C, Bourge M, Pezant J, Pleau A,  Boulesteix O, SchwartzI I, Bertho N, Giuffra E. 2020. Distinctive cellular and metabolic reprogramming in porcine lung mononuclear phagocytes infected with type 1 PRRSV strains. Front Immunol. 11, 588411

Davaine C, Hadadi E, Taylor W, Bennaceur-Griscelli A, Acloque H. 2021. Inducing Sequential Cycles of Epithelial-Mesenchymal and Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transitions in Mammary Epithelial Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2179, 341-351

Ducrot C, Barrio MB, Boissy A, Casabianca F, Pinard-van der Laan MH, Maillet I. 2021. Comment faciliter la construction et la conduite des projets interdisciplinaires : retour d’expérience d’un programme de recherche sur la gestion intégrée de la santé des animaux en élevage. Nat Sci Soc 29 (2) 213-222 (2021). 29, 213-222 

Hadadi E, Acloque H. 2021. Role of circadian rhythm disorders on EMT and tumour-immune interactions in endocrine-related cancers. Endocr Relat Cancer. 28, R67-R80

Hadadi E, Acloque H. 2021. Effets des altérations du rythme circadien sur l’évolution du cancer du sein. Med Science. 37, 538-541

Jehl F, Degalez F, Bernard M, Lecerf F, Lagoutte L, Désert C, Coulée M, Bouchez O, Leroux S, Abasht B, Tixier-Boichard M, Bed’hom B, Burlot T, Gourichon D, Bardou P, Acloque H, Foissac S, Djebali S, Giuffra E, Zerjal T, Pitel F, Klopp C, Lagarrigue S. 2021. RNA-Seq Data for Reliable SNP Detection and Genotype Calling: Interest for Coding Variant Characterization and Cis-Regulation Analysis by Allele-Specific Expression in Livestock Species. Front Genet.

Jehl F, Muret K, Bernard M, Boutin M, Lagoutte L, Désert C, Dehais P, Esquerré D, Acloque H, Giuffra E, Djebali S, Foissac S,  Derrien T, Pitel F, ZerjalT, Klopp C, Lagarrigue S. 2020. An integrative atlas of chicken long non-coding genes and their annotations across 25 tissues. Sci Rep. 10, 20457

López-García A, Benítez R, Núñez Y, Gómez-Izquierdo E, de Mercado E, García-Casco JM, González-Recio O, López-Bote C, Estellé J, Óvilo C. 2021. Influence of genetic background and dietary oleic acid on gut microbiota composition in Duroc and Iberian pigs. PlosOne

Martin P, Vinet A, Denis C, Grohs C, Chanteloup L, Dozias D, Maupetit D, Sapa J, Renand G, Blanc F. 2021. Determination of immunoglobulin concentrations and genetic parameters for colostrum and calf serum in Charolais animals. J Dairy Sci. 104, in press

Minnoye L, Taskiran II, Mauduit D, Fazio M, Van Aerschot L, Hulselmans G, Christiaens V, Makhzami S, Seltenhammer M, Karras P, Primot A, Cadieu E, van Rooijen E, Marine JC, Egidy G, Ghanem GE, Zon L, Wouters J, Aerts S. 2020. Cross-species analysis of enhancer logic using deep learning. Genome Res. 30, 1815-1834

Mompart F, Kamgoue A, Lahbib-Mansais Y, Robelin D, Bonnet A, Rogel-Gaillard C, Kocanova S, Yerle-Bouissou M. 2021. The 3D nuclear conformation of the major histocompatibility complex changes upon cell activation both in porcine and human macrophages. BMC Mol Cell Biol. 22 

Rogel-Gaillard C. 2021. Evolutions de la recherche en génétique animale et anticipation des besoins de formation. Ethnozootechnie. 109, 29-40

Schwochow D, Bornelöv S, Jiang T, Li J, Gourichon D, Bed’Hom B, DorshorstBJ, Chuong, C-M, Tixier-Boichard M, Andersson L. 2021. The feather pattern autosomal barring in chicken is strongly associated with segregation at the MC1R locus. Pigm cell Melanoma

Tixier-Boichard M, Fabre S, Dhorne-Pollet S, Goubil A, Acloque H, Vincent-Naulleau S, Ross P, Wang Y, Chanthavixay G, Cheng H, Ernst C, Leesburg V, Giuffra E, Zhou H, the Collaborative Working Group.  2021. Tissue Resources for the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes. Front Genet. 12

Zerjal T, Härtle S, Gourichon D, Guillory V, Bruneau N, Laloë D, Pinard‑van der Laan M-H, Trapp S, Bed’hom B, Quéré P. 2021. Assessment of trade-ofs between feed efciency, growth-related traits, and immune activity in experimental lines of layer chickens. Genet Sel Evol. 53, 44


Artus J, Hue I, Acloque H. 2020. Preimplantation development in ungulates: a 'ménage à quatre' scenario. Reproduction. 159, R151-R171 GeMS
López-Colom P, Estellé J, Bonet J, Coma J, Martín-Orúe SM. 2020. Applicability of an unmedicated feeding program aimed to reduce the use of antimicrobials in nursery piglets: impact on performance and fecal microbiota. Animals (Basel). 10, pii: E242

Ballester M, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Gonzalez-Rodriguez O, Pascual M, Reixach J, Diaz M, Blanc F, Lopez-Serrano S, Tibau J, Quintanilla R. 2020. Genetic parameters and associated genomic regions for global immunocompetence and other health-related traits in pigs. Sci Rep. 10, 18462

Bidanel JP,  Silalahi P, Tribout T, Canario L, Ducos A, Garreau H, Gilbert H, Larzul C, Milan D, Riquet J, Schwob S, Mercat MJ, Hassenfratz C, Bouquet A, Bazin C, Bidanel J. 2020. Cinquante années d’amélioration génétique du porc en France : bilan et perspectives. INRAE Prod Anim. 33, 1-16

Blanc F, Prévost-Blondel A, Piton G, Bouguyon E, Leplat JJ, Andréoletti F, Egidy G, Bourneuf E, Bertho N, Vincent-Naulleau S. 2020. The composition of circulating leukocytes varies with age and melanoma onset in the MeLiM pig biomedical model. Front Immunol. 11, 291

Borey M, Estellé J, Caidi A, Bruneau N, Coville JL,  Hennequet-Antier C, Mignon-Grasteau S, Calenge F. 2020. Broilers divergently selected for digestibility differ for their digestive microbial ecosystems. PLoS One. 15, e0232418.

Carvalho AV, Hennequet-Antier C, Crochet S, Bordeau T, Courousse N, Cailleau-Audouin E, Chartrin P, Darras VM, Zerjal T, Collin A, Coustham V. 2020. Embryonic thermal manipulation has short and long-term effects on the development and the physiology of the Japanese quail. PLoS One. 15, e0227700

Feron R, Zahm M, Cabau C, Klopp C, Roques C, Bouchez O, Eché C, Valiere S, Donnadieu C, Haffray P, Bestin A, Morvezen R, Acloque H, Euclide PT, Wen M, Jouanno E, Schartl M, Postlethwait JH, Schraidt C, Christie MR, Larson WA, Herpin A, Guiguen Y. 2020. Characterization of a Y‐specific duplication/insertion of the anti‐Mullerian hormone type II receptor gene based on a chromosome‐scale genome assembly of yellow perch, Perca flavescens. Mol Ecol Resour. 20, 531-543

Hammer SE, Ho CH, Ando A, Rogel-Gaillard C, Charles M, Tector M, TectorAJ, Lunney JK. 2020. Importance of the major histocompatibility complex (Swine Leukocyte Antigen) in swine health and biomedical research. Annu Rev Anim Biosci. 8, 171-198

Hadadi E,Taylor W, Li X, Aslan Y, Villote M, Rivière J, Duvallet G, Auriau C, Dulong S, Raymond Letron I, Provot S, Bennaceur-Griscelliand AL, Acloque H. 2020. Chronic circadian disruption modulates breast cancer stemness and immune microenvironment to drive metastasis in mice. Nat Commun. 11, 3193

Li JH, Zhong HZ,  Ramayo-Caldas Y, Terrapon N, Lombard V, Potocki-Veronese G, Estelle-Fabrellas J, Popova M, Yang ZY, Zhang H, Li F, Tang SM, Yang FM, Chen W, Chen B, Li JY,Guo J,  Martin C,Maguin E, Xu X. 2020. A catalog of microbial genes from the bovine rumen unveils a specialized and diverse biomass-degrading environment. GigaScience. 9, 1-15

Manjula P, Bed’Hom B,Hoque Md R, Cho S, Seo D, Chazara O, Lee SH, Lee JH. 2020. Genetic diversity of MHC-B in 12 chicken populations in Korea revealed by single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Immunogenetics. 72, 367-379.

Marthey S, Estellé J, Blin A, Wahlberg P, Créchet1 F, Lecardonnel J, Tessiot F, Rogel‑Gaillard C,  Bourneuf E. 2020. Transcription from a gene desert in a melanoma porcine model. Mol Genet Genomics, 295. 1239-1252

Massacci FR, Berri EM, Lemonnier G, Guettier E, Blanc F, Jardet D, Rossignol MN, Mercat MJ, Dore J, Lepage P, Rogel Gaillard C, Estelle J. 2020. Late weaning is associated with increased microbial diversity and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii abundance in the fecal microbiota of piglets. Animal Microbiome. 2, 2

Massacci FR, Morelli A, Cucco L, Castinel A, Ortenzi R, Tofani S, Pezzotti G, Estelle J, Paniccia M, Magistrali CF. 2020. Transport to the slaughterhouse affects the Salmonella shedding and modifies the fecal microbiota of finishing pigs. Animals (Basel). 10, 676

Massacci FR, Tofani S, Forte C, Bertocchi M, Lovito C, Orsini S, Tentellini M, Marchi L, Lemonnier G, Luise D, Blanc F, Castinel A Bevilacqua C, Rogel-Gaillard C, Pezzotti G, Estellé J, Trevisi P2, Magistrali CF. 2020. Host genotype and amoxicillin administration affect the incidence of diarrhoea and faecal microbiota of weaned piglets during a natural multiresistant ETEC infection. J Anim Breed Genet. 137, 60-72

Moroldo M, Munyaka PM, Lecardonnel J, Lemonnier G, Venturi E, Chevaleyre C, Oswald IP, Estellé J, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2020. Integrative analysis of blood and gut microbiota data suggests a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-related disorder in French SLAdd minipigs. Sci Rep. 10, 234

Munyaka PM, Blanc F, Estellé-Fabrellas J, Lemonnier G, Leplat JJ, Rossignol MN, Jardet D, Plastow G, Billon Y, Willing   BP, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2020. Discovery of predictors of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccine response efficiency in pigs: 16S rRNA gene fecal microbiota analysis. Microorganisms, 8- 1151

Perez-Pascual D, Estelle J, Dutto G,  Rodde C, Bernardet JF, Marchand Y, Duchaud E, Przybyla C, Ghigo JM. 2020. Growth performance and adaptability of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) gut microbiota to alternative diets free of fish products. Microorganisms. 9, 1346

Shrestha M, Garreau   H, Balmisse E , Bed'hom B, David I, Guitton E, Helloin E, Lenoir G, Maupin M,  Robert R, Lantier F, Gunia M. 2020. Genetic parameters of resistance to pasteurellosis using novel response traits in rabbits. Genet sel Evol. 52, 34

Terry S, Engelsen AST, Buart S, Elsayed WS, Venkatesh GH, Chouaib S. 2020. Hypoxia-driven intratumor heterogeneity and immune evasion. Cancer Lett. 492, 1-10


Arguello H, Estelle J, Leonard FC, Crispie F, Cotter PD, O'Sullivan O, Lynch H, Walia K, Duffy G, Lawlor PG, Gardiner GE. 2019. Influence of the intestinal microbiota on colonization resistance to Salmonella and the shedding pattern of naturally exposed pigs. mSystems. 4,e00021-19

Bernelin-Cottet C, Urien C, McCaffrey J, Collins D Donadei A, McDaid D, Jakob V, Barnier-Quer C, Collin N, Bouguyon E, Bordet E, Barc C, Boulesteix O, Leplat JJ, Blanc F, Contreras V, Bertho N, Moore AC, Schwartz-Cornil I. 2019. Electroporation of a nanoparticle-associated DNA vaccine induces higher inflammation and immunity compared to its delivery with microneedle patches in pigs. J Control Release. 308, 14-28

Bernelin-Cottet C, Urien C, Fretaud M, Langevin C, Trus I, Jouneau L, Blanc F, Leplat JJ, Barc C, Boulesteix O, Riou M, Dysart M, Mahé S, Studsrub E, Nauwynck H, Bertho N, Bourry O, Schwartz-Cornil I. 2019. A DNA prime immuno-potentiates a modified live vaccine against the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus but does not improve heterologous protection. Viruses. 11, pii: E576.

Bordet E, Fretaud M, Crisci E, Bouguyon E, Rault S, Pezant J, Pleau A, Renson P, Giuffra E, Larcher T, Bourge M, Bourry O, Boulesteix O, Langevin C, Schwartz-Cornil I, Bertho N. 2019. Macrophage-B cell interactions in the inverted porcine lymph node and their response to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Front Immunol. 10, 953

Cho IC, Park HB, Ahn JS, Han SH, Lee JB, Lim HT, Yoo CK, Jung EJ, Kim DH, Sun WS, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Kim SG, Kang YJ, Kim YK, Shin HS1, Seong PN, Hwang IS, Park BY, Hwang S, Lee SS, Ryu YC, Lee JH, Ko MS, Lee K, Andersson G, Pérez-Enciso M, Lee JW. 2019. A functional regulatory variant of MYH3 influences muscle fiber-type composition and intramuscular fat content in pigs. PLoS Genet. 15, e1008279

Crespo-Piazuelo D, Migura-Garcia L, Estelle J, Criado-Mesas L, Revilla M, Castello A, Munoz M, Garcia-Casco JM, Fernandez AI, Ballester M, Folch JM. 2019. Association between the pig genome and its gut microbiota composition. Sci Rep. 9, 8791

Dhorne-Pollet S, Crisci E, Mach N, Renson P, Jaffrézic F, Marot G, Maroilley T, Moroldo M, Lecardonnel J, Blanc F, Bertho N, Bourry O, Giuffra E. 2019. The miRNA-targeted transcriptome of porcine alveolar macrophages upon infection with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome. Virus. Sci Rep. 9-3160

Foissac S, Djebali S, Munyard K, Vialaneix N, Rau A, Muret K, Esquerré D, Zytnicki M, Derrien T, Bardou P, Blanc F, Cabau C, Crisci E, Dhorne-Pollet S, Drouet F, Faraut T, Gonzalez I, Goubil A, Lacroix-Lamandé S, Laurent F, Marthey S, Marti-Marimon M, Momal-Leisenring R, Mompart F, Quéré P, Robelin D, Cristobal MS, Tosser-Klopp G, Vincent-Naulleau S, Fabre S, Pinard-Van der Laan MH, Klopp C, Tixier-Boichard M, Acloque H, Lagarrigue S, Giuffra E. 2019. Multi-species annotation of transcriptome and chromatin structure in domesticated animals. BMC Biol. 17, 108.

Giuffra E, Tuggle CK, FAANG Consortium. 2019. Functional annotation of animal genomes (FAANG): Current achievements and roadmap. Annu Rev Anim Biosci. 7, 65-88

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