Publications 2020

Publications de GABI en 2020

Liste des publications GABI en 2020

Akian DD, Yao K, Parmentier E, Joassard L, Clota F, Baroiller JF, Lozano P, Chatain B, Begout ML. 2020. Acoustic signals produced by Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron during intra- and interspecific pairings. Zoology. 143, 125831

Alfonso S, Peyrafort M, Cousin X, Bégout ML. 2020. Zebrafish, Danio rerio, show behavioural cross-context consistency at larval and juvenile stages but no consistency between stages. J Fish Biol. 96, 1411-1421

Alfonso S, Sadoul B, Cousin X, Bégout ML. 2020. Spatial distribution and activity patterns as welfare indicators in response to water quality changes in European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Appl Anim Behav Sci. In press

Cantalapiedra-Hijar G., Faverdin P., Friggens N.C., Martin P. 2020. Efficience Alimentaire : comment mieux la comprendre et en faire un élément de durabilité de l’élevage. INRAE Prod. Anim. 33, 235-248.

D’Ambrosio J, Morvezen2 R,  Brard-Fudulea S, Bestin A, Acin Perez A, Guéméné D, Poncet C, HaffrayP, Dupont-Nivet M, Phocas F. 2020. Genetic architecture and genomic selection of female reproduction traits in rainbow trout. BMC Genomics. 21, 558

Arnal M, Larroque H, Leclerc H, Ducrocq V, Robert-Granié C. 2020. Estimation of genetic parameters for dairy traits and somatic cell score in the first 3 parities using a random regression test-day model in French Alpine goats. J Dairy Sci. 103, 4517-4531

Artus J, Hue I, Acloque H. 2020. Preimplantation development in ungulates: a 'ménage à quatre' scenario. Reproduction. 159, R151-R171

Auclair-Ronzaud J, Benoist S, Dubois C, Frejaville M, Jousset T, Jaffrézic F, Wimel L, Chavatte-Palmer P. 2020. No-contact microchip monitoring of body temperature in yearling horses. J Equine Vet Sci. 86, 102892

Auclair-Ronzaud J, Jousset T, Dubois C, Wimel L, Jaffrezic F, Chavatte-Palmer P. 2020. No-contact microchip measurements of body temperature and behavioural changes prior to foaling. Theriogenology. 157, 399-406

Aujean E, Laubier J,  Brun N, Finot L, Chanat E, Dessauge F, Hue-Beauvais C, Le Provost F. 2020. Genomic DNA PCR analysis to assess xenograft development in mouse mammary gland. BioTechniques. 68, i press

Bagheri-Fam S, Chen, HJ, Wilson S, Ayers K, Hughes J,  Sloan-Bena F, Calvel P, Robevska G, Puisac B, Kusz-Zamelczyk K, Gimelli S, Spik A, Jaruzelska J, Warenik-Szymankiewicz A, Faradz S, Nef S, Pie J, Thomas P, Sinclair A, Wilhelm D. 2020. The gene encoding the ketogenic enzyme HMGCS2 displays a unique expression during gonad development in mice. PLoS One. 15, e0227411

Ballester M, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Gonzalez-Rodriguez O, Pascual M, Reixach J, Diaz M, Blanc F, Lopez-Serrano S, Tibau J, Quintanilla R. 2020. Genetic parameters and associated genomic regions for global immunocompetence and other health-related traits in pigs. Sci Rep. 10, 18462

Bazile J, Jaffrezic F, Dehais P, Reichstadt M, Klopp C, Laloe D, Bonnet M. 2020. Molecular signatures of muscle growth and composition deciphered by the meta-analysis of age-related public transcriptomics data. Physiol Genomics. 52, 322-332

Beaujean N, Boutinaud M, Devinoy E, Jammes H, Le Guillou S, Le Provost F, Leroux C, Mobuchon L, Pannetier M, Sellem E, Kiefer H. 2020. L’épigénétique et la construction du phénotype chez le bovin. Inrae Prod Anim. 33, 109- 124

Ben‑Jemaa S, Mastrangelo S, Lee SH, Lee JH, Boussaha M. 2020. Genome‑wide scan for selection signatures reveals novel insights into the adaptive capacity in local North African cattle. Sci Rep, 10-19466

Bhave K, Koilpillai TPJ, Ragothaman V, Sontakke S, Josh G, Ducrocq V. 2020. Semen production and semen quality of indigenous buffalo breeds under hot semiarid climatic conditions in India. Trop Anim Health Prod. 52, 2529-2539

Béringue V, Tixador P, Andréoletti O, Reine F, Castille J, Laï TL, Le Dur A, Laisné A, Herzog L, Passet B, Rezaei H, Vilotte JL, Laude H. 2020. Host prion protein expression levels impact prion tropism for the spleen. PLoS Pathog. 16, e1008283

Besson M, Komen H, Rose G, Vandeputte M. 2020. The genetic correlation between feed conversion ratio and growth rate affects the design of a breeding program for more sustainable fish production. Genet sel Evol. 52, 5

Bidanel JP,  Silalahi P, Tribout T, Canario L, Ducos A, Garreau H, Gilbert H, Larzul C, Milan D, Riquet J, Schwob S, Mercat MJ, Hassenfratz C, Bouquet A, Bazin C, Bidanel J. 2020. Cinquante années d’amélioration génétique du porc en France : bilan et perspectives. INRAE Prod Anim. 33, 1-16

Bignon Y, Poindessous V, Lazareth H, Passet B, Vilotte JL, Djouadi F, Mouillet-Richard S, Pallet N. 2020. The cellular prion protein is a stress protein secreted by renal tubular cells and a urinary marker of kidney injury. Cell Death Dis. 11, 243

Blanc M, Cormier B, Hyotylainen T, Krauss M, Scherbak N, Cousin X, Keiter SH. 2020. Multi- and transgenerational effects following early-life exposure of zebrafish to permethrin and coumarin 47: Impact on growth, fertility, behavior and lipid metabolism. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 205, 111348

Blanc F, Prévost-Blondel A, Piton G, Bouguyon E, Leplat JJ, Andréoletti F, Egidy G, Bourneuf E, Bertho N, Vincent-Naulleau S. 2020. The composition of circulating leukocytes varies with age and melanoma onset in the MeLiM pig biomedical model. Front Immunol. 11, 291

Borey M, Estellé J, Caidi A, Bruneau N, Coville JL,  Hennequet-Antier C, Mignon-Grasteau S, Calenge F. 2020. Broilers divergently selected for digestibility differ for their digestive microbial ecosystems. PLoS One. 15, e0232418.

Cantalapiedra-Hijar G, Guarnido P, Schiphorst AM, Robins RJ, Renand G, Ortigues-Marty I. 2020. Natural N-15 abundance in specific amino acids indicates associations between transamination rates and residual feed intake in beef cattle. J Anim Sci. 98, UNSP skaa171. 

Carvalho AV, Hennequet-Antier C, Crochet S, Bordeau T, Courousse N, Cailleau-Audouin E, Chartrin P, Darras VM, Zerjal T, Collin A, Coustham V. 2020. Embryonic thermal manipulation has short and long-term effects on the development and the physiology of the Japanese quail. PLoS One. 15, e0227700

Cho Y, Rau A, Reiner A, Auer PL. 2020. Mendelian randomization analysis with survival outcomes. Genet Epidemiol. early access

Clark EL, Archibald AL, Daetwyler HD, Groenen MAM, Harrison PW,  Houston RD, Kühn C, Lien S, Macqueen DJ, Reecy JM, Watson D, Tuggle CK, Giuffra E. 2020. From FAANG to fork: application of highly annotated genomes to improve farmed animal production. Genome Biol. 21, 285

Coen O, Lu J, Xu WJ, Pateyron S, Grain D, Péchoux C, Lepiniec L, Magnani E. 2020. A TRANSPARENT TESTA transcriptional module regulates endothelium polarity. Front Plant Sci. 10, 1801

Cousin X, Batel A, Bringer A, Hess S, Begout ML, Braunbeck T. 2020. Microplastics and sorbed contaminants - Trophic exposure in fish sensitive early life stages. Mar Environ Res. 161, 105126

Crisci E, Moroldo M, Manh TPV, Mohammad A, Jourdren L, Urien C, Bouguyon E, Bordet E,  Bevilacqua C, Bourge M, Pezant J, Pleau A,  Boulesteix O, SchwartzI I, Bertho N, Giuffra E. 2020. Distinctive cellular and metabolic reprogramming in porcine lung mononuclear phagocytes infected with type 1 PRRSV strains. Front Immunol. 11, 588411

Curcio A, Van de Walle A, Serrano A, Preveral S, Péchoux C, Pignol D, Menguy N, Lefevre CT, Espinosa A, Wilhelm C. 2020. Transformation cycle of magnetosomes in human stem cells: From degradation to biosynthesis of magnetic nanoparticles anew. ACS Nano. 14, 1406-1417

David I, Aliakbari A, Deru V, Garreau H, Gilbert H, Ricard A. 2020. Inclusive inheritance for residual feed intake in pigs and rabbits. J Anim Breed Genet. 137, 535-545

De Oliveira J, Chadili E, Piccini B, Turies C, Maillot-Maréchal E, Palluel O, Pardon P, Budzinski H, Cousin X, Brion F, Hinfray N. 2020. Refinement of an OECD test guideline for evaluating the effects of endocrinedisrupting chemicals on aromatase gene expression and reproduction using novel transgenic cyp19a1a-eGFP zebrafish. Aquat Toxicol. 220, 105403

Dhorne-Pollet S, Barrey E, Pollet N. 2020. A new method for long-read sequencing of animal mitochondrial genomes: application to the identification of equine mitochondrial DNA variants. BMC Genomics. 21, 785

Doublet AC, Restoux G, Fritz S, Balberini L, Fayolle G, Hozé C, Laloë D, Croiseau P. 2020. Intensified use of reproductive technologies and reduced dimensions of breeding schemes put genetic diversity at risk in Dairy cattle breeds. Animals (Basel). 10, 1903

Ducat A, Couderc B, Bouter A, Biquard L, Aouache R, Passet B, Doridot L, Cohen MB, Ribaux P, Apicella C, Gaillard I, Palfray S, Chen Y, Vargas A, Julé A, Frelin L, Cocquet J, San Martin CR, Jacques S, Busato F, Tost J, Méhats C, Laissue P, Vilotte JL, Miralles F, Vaiman D. 2020. Molecular mechanisms of trophoblast dysfunction mediated by imbalance between STOX1 isoforms. Science. 23, 101086

Dupont C, Hulot  A, Jaffrezic F, Faure C, Czernichow S, di Clemente N, Racine C, Chavatte-Palmer P, Lévy R, Alifert group. 2020. Female ponderal index at birth and idiopathic infertility. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 11, 154-158

El Jabri M, Trossat P, Wolf V, Beuvier E, Rolet-Répécaud O, Gavoye S, Gaüzère Y, Belysheva O, Gaudillière N, Notz E, Grosperrin P, Laithier C, Delacroix-Buchet A. 2020. Mid-infrared spectrometry prediction of the cheese-making properties of raw Montbéliarde milks from herds and cheese dairy vats used for the production of Protected Designation of Origin and Protected Geographical Indication cheeses in Franche-Comté. J Dairy Sci. 103:5992-6002

Faggion S, Sanchez P, Vandeputte M, Clota F, Vergnet A, Blanc MO, Allal F. 2020. Evaluation of a European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) post-larval tagging method with ultra-small RFID tags. Aquaculture. 520, 734945

Feron R, Zahm M, Cabau C, Klopp C, Roques C, Bouchez O, Eché C, Valiere S, Donnadieu C, Haffray P, Bestin A, Morvezen R, Acloque H, Euclide PT, Wen M, Jouanno E, Schartl M, Postlethwait JH, Schraidt C, Christie MR, Larson WA, Herpin A, Guiguen Y. 2020. Characterization of a Y‐specific duplication/insertion of the anti‐Mullerian hormone type II receptor gene based on a chromosome‐scale genome assembly of yellow perch, Perca flavescens. Mol Ecol Resour.20, 531-543

Fraslin C, Phocas F, Bestin A, Charles M, Bernard M, Krieg F,  Dechamp N,  Ciobotaru C, Hozé C, Petitprez F, Milhes M,  Lluch J, Bouchez O, Poncet C, Hocdé P, Haffray P, Guiguen  Y, Quillet E. 2020. Genetic determinism of spontaneous masculinisation in XX female rainbow trout: new insights using medium throughput genotyping and whole-genome sequencing. Sci Rep. 10, 17693

Fraslin C, Quillet E, Rochat T, Dechamp N, Bernardet JF, Collet B, Lallias D, Boudinot P. 2020. Combining multiple approaches and models to dissect the genetic architecture of resistance to infections in fish. Front Genet. 11, 677

Gehrke LJ, Capitan A, Scheper C, König S, Upadhyay M, Heidrich K, Russ I, Seichter D, Tetens J, Medugorac I, Thaller G. 2020. Are scurs in heterozygous polled (Pp) cattle a complex quantitative trait? Genet Sel Evol. 52, 6

Gehrke LJ, Upadhyay M, Heidrich K, Kunz E, Klaus‑Halla D, Weber F, Zerbe H, Seichter D, Graf A, Krebs S, Blum H, Capitan A, Thaller G, Medugorac I. 2020. A de novo frameshift mutation in ZEB2 causes polledness, abnormal skull shape, small body stature and subfertility in Fleckvieh cattle. Sci Rep. 10, 17032

Gervais L, Hewison AJM, Morellet N, Bernard M, Merlet J, Cargnelutti B, Chaval Y, Pujol B, Quéméré E. 2020. Pedigree-free quantitative genetic approach provides evidence for heritability of movement tactics in wild roe deer. J Evol Biol. 33, 595-607

Godia M, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Zingaretti LM, Darwich L, Lopez S, Rodriguez-Gil JE, Yeste M, Sanchez A, Clop A.    2020. A pilot RNA-seq study in 40 pietrain ejaculates to characterize the porcine sperm microbiome. Theriogenology. 157, 525-53

Godichon-Baggioni A, Maugis-Rabusseau C, Rau A. 2020. Multiview cluster aggregation and splitting, with an application to multiomic breast cancer data. Ann Appl Stat. 14, 752-767

Griot R, Allal F, Brard‐Fudulea S, Morvezen R, Haffray P, Phocas F, Vandeputte M. 2020. APIS: An auto‐adaptive parentage inference software that tolerates missing parents. Mol Ecol Ressour. 20, 579-590

Hadadi E,Taylor W, Li X, Aslan Y, Villote M, Rivière J, Duvallet G, Auriau C, Dulong S, Raymond Letron I, Provot S, Bennaceur-Griscelliand AL, Acloque H. 2020. Chronic circadian disruption modulates breast cancer stemness and immune microenvironment to drive metastasis in mice. Nat Commun. 11, 3193

Hozé C, Escouflaire C, Mesbah-Uddin M, Barbat A, Boussaha M, Deloche MC, Boichard D, Fritz S, Capitan A. 2020. Short Communication: A splice site mutation in CENPU is associated with recessive embryonic lethality in Holstein cattle. J Dairy Sci. 103, 607-612

Hammer SE, Ho CH, Ando A, Rogel-Gaillard C, Charles M, Tector M, TectorAJ, Lunney JK. 2020. Importance of the major histocompatibility complex (Swine Leukocyte Antigen) in swine health and biomedical research. Annu Rev Anim Biosci. Ehead

Hulot A, Chiquet J, Jaffrezic F, Rigaill G. 2020. Fast tree aggregation for consensus hierarchical clustering. BMC Bioinformatics. 21, 120

Jehl F, Muret K, Bernard M, Boutin M, Lagoutte L, Désert C, Dehais P, Esquerré D, Acloque H, Giuffra E, Djebali S, Foissac S,  Derrien T, Pitel F, Zerjal T, Klopp C, Lagarrigue S. 2020. An integrative atlas of chicken long non-coding genes and their annotations across 25 tissues. Sci Rep. 10, 20457

Laoun A, Harkat S, Lafri M, Gaouar SBS, Belabdi I, Ciani E, De Groot M, Blanquet V, Leroy G, Rognon X, Da Silva A. 2020. Inference of breed structure in farm animals: Empirical comparison between SNP and microsatellite performance. Genes (Basel), 11 - pii: E57

Le Bihanic F, Clerandeau C, Cormier B, Crebassa JC, Keiter SH, Beiras R, Morin B, Begout ML, Cousin X, Cachot J. 2020. Organic contaminants sorbed to microplastics affect marine medaka fish early life stages development. Mar Pollut Bull. 158, 111059

Legarra A, Aguilar I, Colleau JJ. 2020. Methods to compute genomic inbreeding for ungenotyped individuals. J Dairy Sci. 103, 3363-3367

Lévy E, Jaffrezic F, Laloë D, Rezaei H, Huang ME, Béringue V, Davy M, Vernis L. 2020. PiQSARS: A pipeline for quantitative and statistical analyses of ratiometric fluorescent biosensors. MethodsX. 7, 101034

Lezmi G, Vibhushan S, Bevilaqua C, Crapart N, Cagnard N, Khen-Dunlop N, Boyle-Freyssaut C, Hadchouel A, Delacourt C. 2020. Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations of the lung: an epithelial transcriptomic approach. Respir Res. 21, 43

Li JH, Zhong HZ,  Ramayo-Caldas Y, Terrapon N, Lombard V, Potocki-Veronese G, Estelle-Fabrellas J, Popova M, Yang ZY, Zhang H, Li F, Tang SM, Yang FM, Chen W, Chen B, Li JY,Guo J,  Martin C,Maguin E, Xu X. 2020. A catalog of microbial genes from the bovine rumen unveils a specialized and diverse biomass-degrading environment. GigaScience. giaa057

Li X, Porcino M, Martineau-Corcos C, Guo T, Xiong T, Zhu WF, Patriarche G, Pechoux C, Perronne B, Hassan A, Kummerle R, Michelet A, Zehnacker-Rentien A, Zhang JW, Gref R. 2020. Efficient incorporation and protection of lansoprazole in cyclodextrin metal-organic frameworks. Int J Pharm. 585, 119442

Lien CY, Tixier-Boichard M, Wu SW, Chen CF. 2020. Identification of QTL and loci for egg production traits to tropical climate conditions in chickens. Livest Sci. 234, 103980

Lin JH, Masson E, Boulling A, Hayden M, Cooper DN, Férec C, Liao Z, Chen JM. 2020. 5 ' splice site GC > GT and GT > GC variants differ markedly in terms of their functionality and pathogenicity. Hum Mut. 41: 1358-1364.

Liu A, Lund MS, Boichard D, Karaman E, Guldbrandtsen B, Fritz S, Aamand GP, Nielsen US, Sahana G, Wang Y, Su G. 2020. Weighted single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction integrating the variants selected from sequencing data by association and bioinformatics analyses. Genet sel Evol. 52-48

Liu A, Lund MS, Boichard D, Mao X, Karaman E, Fritz S, Pedersen Aamand G, Wang Y, Su G. 2020. Imputation for sequencing variants preselected to a customized low-density chip. Sci Rep. 10, 9524

Liu A, Lund MS, Boichard D, Karaman E, Fritz S, Aamand GP, Nielsen US, Wang Y, Su G. 2020. Improvement of genomic prediction by additional single nucleotide polymorphisms selected from whole genome sequencing data. Heredity. 124, 37-49

López-Colom P, Estellé J, Bonet J, Coma J, Martín-Orúe SM. 2020. Applicability of an unmedicated feeding program aimed to reduce the use of antimicrobials in nursery piglets: impact on performance and fecal microbiota. Animals (Basel). 10, pii: E242

Mach N, Ruet A, Clark A, Bars-Cortina D, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Crisci E, Pennarun S, Dhorne-Pollet S, Foury A, Moisan MP, Lansade L. 2020. Priming for welfare: gut microbiota is associated with equitation conditions and behavior in horse athletes. Sci Rep. 18, 8311.

Manjula P, Bed’Hom B,Hoque Md R, Cho S, Seo D, Chazara O, Lee SH, Lee JH. 2020. Genetic diversity of MHC-B in 12 chicken populations in Korea revealed by single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Immunogenetics. 72, 367-379.

Mariadassou M, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Charles M, Femenia M, Renand G, Rocha D. 2020. Detection of selection signatures in Limousin cattle using wholegenome resequencing. Anim Genet. 51: 815-819.

Marthey S, Estellé J, Blin A, Wahlberg P, Créchet F, Lecardonnel J, Tessiot F, Rogel‑Gaillard C,  Bourneuf E. 2020. Transcription from a gene desert in a melanoma porcine model. Mol Genet Genomics. 295, 1239-1252  

Massacci FR, Morelli A, Cucco L, Castinel A, Ortenzi R, Tofani S, Pezzotti G, Estelle J, Paniccia M, Magistrali CF. 2020. Transport to the slaughterhouse affects the Salmonella shedding and modifies the fecal microbiota of finishing pigs. Animals (Basel). 10, 676

Massacci FR, Berri EM, Lemonnier G, Guettier E, Blanc F, Jardet D, Rossignol MN, Mercat MJ, Dore J, Lepage P, Rogel Gaillard C, Estelle J. 2020. Late weaning is associated with increased microbial diversity and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii abundance in the fecal microbiota of piglets. Animal Microbiome. 2, 2

Massacci FR, Clark A, Ruet A, Lansade L, Costa M, Mach N. 2019. Inter-breed diversity and temporal dynamics of the faecal microbiota in healthy horses. J Anim Breed Genet. 137, 103-120

Massacci FR, Tofani S, Forte C, Bertocchi M, Lovito C, Orsini S, Tentellini M, Marchi L, Lemonnier G, Luise D, Blanc F, Castinel A Bevilacqua C, Rogel-Gaillard C, Pezzotti G, Estellé J, Trevisi P2, Magistrali CF. 2020. Host genotype and amoxicillin administration affect the incidence of diarrhoea and faecal microbiota of weaned piglets during a natural multiresistant ETEC infection. J Anim Breed Genet. 137, 60-72

Mastrangelo S, Ben Jemaa S, Ciani E, Sottile G, Moscarelli A, Boussaha M, Montedoro M, Pilla F, Cassandro M.2020. Genome-wide detection of signatures of selection in three Valdostana cattle populations. J Anim Breed Genet. 137, 609-621

Minnoye L, Taskiran II, Mauduit D, Fazio M, Van Aerschot L, Hulselmans G, Christiaens V, Makhzami S, Seltenhammer M, Karras P, Primot A, Cadieu E, van Rooijen E, Marine JC, Egidy G, Ghanem GE, Zon L, Wouters J, Aerts S. 2020. Cross-species analysis of enhancer logic using deep learning. Genome Res. 30, 1815-1834

Miranda G, Bianchi L, Krupova Z, Trossat P, Martin P. 2020. An improved LC-MS method to profile molecular diversity and quantify the six main bovine milk proteins, including genetic and splicing variants as well as post-translationally modified isoforms. Food Chem X. 5, 100080 

Moroldo M, Munyaka PM, Lecardonnel J, Lemonnier G, Venturi E, Chevaleyre C, Oswald IP, Estellé J, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2020. Integrative analysis of blood and gut microbiota data suggests a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-related disorder in French SLAdd minipigs. Sci Rep. 10, 234

Morris KM, Hindle MM, Boitard S, Burt DW, Danner AF, Eory L, Forrest HL, Gourichon D, Gros J, Hillier LW, Jaffredo T, Khoury H, Lansford R, Leterrier C, Loudon A, Mason AS, Meddle SL, Minvielle F, Minx P, Pitel F, Seiler JP, Shimmura T, Tomlinson C, Vignal A, Webster RG, Yoshimura T, Warren WC, Smith J. 2020. The quail genome: insights into social behaviour, seasonal biology and infectious disease response. BMC Biol, 18-14

Moudjou M, Castille J, Passet B, Herzog L, Reine F, Vilotte JL, Rezaei H, Béringue V, Igel-Egalon A. 2020. Improving the predictive value of prion inactivation validation methods to minimize the risks of iatrogenic transmission with medical instruments. Front Bioeng Biotechnol, 8, 591024

Munyaka PM, Blanc F, Estellé-Fabrellas J, Lemonnier G, Leplat JJ, Rossignol MN, Jardet D, Plastow G, Billon Y, Willing   BP, Rogel-Gaillard C. 2020. Discovery of predictors of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccine response efficiency in pigs: 16S rRNA gene fecal microbiota analysis. Microorganisms, 8- 1151

Nayeri S, Schenkel FS, Martin P, Fleming A, Jamrozik J, Malchiodi F, Brito LF, Baes CF, Sargolzaei M, Miglior F. 2020. Estimation of genetic parameters for mid-infrared-predicted lactoferrin and milk fat globule size in Holstein cattle. J Dairy Dci. 103, 2487–2497

Neou M, Villa C, Armignacco R, Jouinot A, Raffin-Sanson ML, Septier A, Letourneur F, Diry S, Diedisheim M, Izac B, Gaspar C, Perlemoine K, Verjus V, Bernier M, Boulin A, Emile JF, Bertagna X, Jaffrezic F, Laloe D, Baussart B, Bertherat J, Gaillard S, Assié G. 2020. Pangenomic classification of pituitary neuroendocrine Tumors. Cancer Cell. 37, 1-12

Nicolas‐Boluda A, Yang Z, Dobryden I, Carn F, Winckelmans N, Péchoux C, Bonville P, Bals S,  Claesson PM, Gazeau F, Pileni MP. 2020. Intracellular fate of hydrophobic nanocrystal self‐assemblies in tumor cells. Adv Funct Mater. 30, 2004274

Noyer M, Reoyo-Prats B, Aubert D, Bernard M, Verneau O, Palacios C. 2020. Particle-attached riverine bacteriome shifts in a pollutant-resistant and pathogenic community during a Mediterranean extreme storm event. Sci Total Environ. 732, 139047

Passet B, Castille J, Makhzami S, Truchet S, Vaiman A, Floriot S,  Moazami-Goudarzi K, Vilotte M, Gaillard AL, Helary L, Bertaud M, Andréoletti O, Vaiman D, Calvel P, Daniel-Carlier N, Moudjou M, Beauvallet C, Benharouga M, Laloë D, Mouillet-Richard S, Duchesne A, Béringue V, Vilotte JL. 2020. The Prion-like protein Shadoo is involved in mouse embryonic and mammary development and differentiation. Sci Rep, 10-6765

Pawlowski K, Lago‑Novais D, Bevilacqua C, Mobuchon L, Crapart N, Faulconnier Y, Boby C, Carvalho G, Martin P, Leroux C. 2020. Different miRNA contents between mammary epithelial cells and milk fat globules: a random or a targeted process? Mol Biol Rep. 47, 8259-8264

Pegram CL, Bonnett BN, Skarp H, Arnott G, James H, Hedhammar A, Leroy G, Llewellyn-Zaidi A, Seath IJ, O’Neill DG. 2020. Moving from information and collaboration to action: report from the 4th international dog health workshop, Windsor in May 2019. Canine Med Genet. 7, 4

Perez-Pascual D, Estelle J, Dutto G,  Rodde C, Bernardet JF, Marchand Y, Duchaud E, Przybyla C, Ghigo JM. 2020. Growth performance and adaptability of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) gut microbiota to alternative diets free of fish products. Microorganisms. 9, 1346

Prchal M, Kocour M, Vandeputte M, Kause A, Vergnet A,Zhao J, Gela D, Kašpar V, Genestout L, Bestin A, Haffray P, Bugeon J. 2020. Morphological predictors of slaughter yields using 3D digitizer and their use in a common carp breeding program. Aquaculture. 520, 734993

Ramayo-Caldas Y, Zingaretti L, Popova M, Estelle J, Bernard A, Pons N, Bellot P, Mach N, Rau A, Roume H, Perez-Enciso M, Faverdin P, Edouard N, Ehrlich D, Morgavi DP, Renand G. 2020. Identification of rumen microbial biomarkers linked to methane emission in Holstein dairy cows. J Anim Breed Genet. 137, 49-59

Randazzo P Anba-Mondoloni J, Aubert-Frambourg A, Guillot A, Pechoux C, Vidic J, Auger S. 2020. Bacillus subtilis egulators MntR and Zur participate in redox cycling, antibiotic sensitivity, and cell wall plasticity. J Bacteriol. 202, e00547-19

Ricard A, Dumont Saint Priest B, Danvy S, Barrey E. 2020. Accelerometers provide early genetic selection criteria for jumping horses. Front Genet. 11, 448

Ricard A, Saint Priest BD, Chassier, M, Sabbagh M, Danvy, S. 2020. Genetic consistency between gait analysis by accelerometry and evaluation scores at breeding shows for the selection of jumping competition horses. PLoS One. 15, e0244064

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