publications 2023

Publications GABI en 2023

Liste des publications de l'unité GABI en 2023

Acloque H, Yang J, Theveneau E. 2023. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal plasticity from development to disease: An introduction to the special issue. GENESIS 

Adel-Patient K, Campeotto F, Grauso M, Guillon B, Moroldo M, Venot E, Dietrich C, Machavoine F, Castelli F, Fenaille F, Molina TJ, Barbet P, Delacourt C, Leite-de-Moraes M, Lezmi G. 2023. Assessment of local and systemic signature of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) in children through multi-omics approaches. Frontiers in immunology. 

Arnal M, Robert-Granié C, Ducrocq V, Larroque H. 2023. Validation of single-step genomic BLUP random regression test-day models and SNP effects analysis on milk yield in French Saanen goats. J Dairy Sci. 

Barone M, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Estelle J, Tambosco K, Chadi S, Maillard F, Gallopin M, Planchais J, Chain F, Kropp C, Rios-Covian D, Sokol H, Brigidi P, Langella P, Martin R. 2023. C-section delivery induces gut barrier-microbiota imbalances in early life and leads to higher sensitivity to inflammation. BMC microbiome. 

Ben Abdelkrim A, Ithurbide M, Larsen T, Shmidely P, Friggens NC. 2023. Milk metabolites can characterise individual differences in animal resilience to a nutritional challenge in lactating dairy goat. Animal

Ben-Jemaa S, Adam G, Boussaha M, Bardou P, Klopp C, Mandonnet N, Naves M. 2023. Whole genome sequencing reveals signals of adaptive admixture in Creole cattle. Scientific reports.

Blanc F, Bertho N, Piton G, Leplat J-J, Egidy G, Bourneuf E, Vincent-Naulleau S, Prevost-Blondel A. 2023. Deciphering the immune reaction leading to spontaneous melanoma regression: initial role of MHCII+ CD163- macrophages. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy.

Bi H, Tranell J, Harper DC, Lin W, Li J, Hellstrom AR, Larsson M, Rubin C-J, Wang C, Sayyab S, Kerje S, Bed'hom B, Gourichon D, Ito S, Wakamatsu K, Tixier-Boichard M, Marks MS, Globisch D, Andersson L. 2023. A frame-shift mutation in COMTD1 is associated with impaired pheomelanin pigmentation in chicken. PLoS genetics. 

Boisseau M, Dhorne-Pollet S, Bars-Cortina D, Courtot E, Serreau D, Annonay G, Lluch J, Gesbert A, Reigner F, Salle G, Mach N. 2023. Species interactions, stability, and resilience of the gut microbiota - Helminth assemblage in horses. iScience. 

Boussaha M, Boulling A, Wolgust V, Bourgeois-Brunel L, Michot P, Grohs C, Gaiani N, Grivaud P-Y, Leclerc H, Danchin-Burge C, Vilotte M, Rivière J, Boichard D, Gourreau J-M, Capitan A. 2023. Integrin alpha 6 homozygous splice-site mutation causes a new form of junctional epidermolysis bullosa in Charolais cattle Genet Sel Evol. 

Calduch-Giner J, Rosell-Moll E, Besson M, Vergnet A, Bruant J-S, Clota F, Holhorea PG, Allal F, Vandeputte M, Perez-Sanchez J. 2023. Changes in transcriptomic and behavioural traits in activity and ventilation rates associated with divergent individual feed efficiency in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) AQUACULTURE REPORTS.

Cantalapiedra-Hijar G, Martin C, Andueza D, Popova M, Morgavi D, Ortiz-Chura A, Graulet B, Cassar-Malek I, Bonnet M, De La Torre A, Renand G, Taussat S, Ortigues-Marty I, Nozière P. 2023. Mécanismes biologiques à l’origine des différences inter-individuelles de l’efficience alimentaire chez le bovin allaitant. Prod Animales. 

Castille J, Thepot D, Fouchecourt S, Dalbies-Tran R, Passet B, Daniel-Carlier N, Vilotte J-L, Monget P. 2023. The paralogs' enigma of germ-cell specific genes dispensable for fertility: the case of nineteen oogenesin genes. Biology of reproduction.

Caruso D, Lusiastuti AM, Pouil S, Samsudin R, Arifin OZ, Slembrouck J. 2023. Can Azolla filiculoides be a complementary feed resource for ecological intensification in small-scale fish farming? Biological effects on giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy. Aquat. Living Resour. 

Chamignon C, Mallaret G, Riviere J, Vilotte M, Chadi S, de Moreno de LeBlanc A, LeBlanc JG, Carvalho FA, Pane M, Mousset P-Y, Langella P, Lafay S, Bermudez-Humaran  G. 2023. Beneficial Effects of Lactobacilli Species on Intestinal Homeostasis in Low-Grade Inflammation and Stress Rodent Models and Their Implication in the Modulation of the Adhesive Junctional Complex. Biomolecules.

Chavinskaia L, Labatut J. 2023. Technologies de l’élevage moderne : l’amélioration génétique des bovins. revue-regards-croises-sur-l-economie.

Cosenza G, Martin P, Garro G, Gallo D, Auzino B, CiampoliniR, Pauciullo A. 2023. A novel allelic donkey beta-lactoglobulin I protein isoform generated by a non-AUG translation initiation codon is associated with a nonsynonymous SNP. J Dairy Sci. 

Costilla R, Zeng J, Al Kalaldeh M, Swaminathan M, Gibson J P, Ducrocq V, Hayes B J. 2023. Developing flexible models for genetic evaluations in smallholder crossbred dairy farms. J Dairy Sci.

Coustard Metayer S, Rossignol C, Collin A, Blanc F, Lallier N, Schouler C, Duval Le Bihan E, Travel A, Lalmanach A-C. 2023 Intestinal avian defensin 2 and robustness of chicks. POULTRY SCIENCE 

Coustham V, Andrieux C, Cerutti C, Collin A, David I, Demars J, Devailly G, Morisson M, Houssier M, Lagarrigue S, Métayer-Coustard S, Mignon-Grasteau S, Panserat S, Petit A, Vitorino Carvalhos A, Zerjal T, Pitel F. 2023. Épigénétique, gènes et environnement : quelle importance pour les pratiques d’élevage et les méthodes de sélection des volailles ? INRAE Prod Anim 

Courtot E, Boisseau M, Dhorne-Pollet S, Serreau D, Gesbert A, Reigner F, Basiaga M, Kuzmina T, Lluch J, Annonay G, Kuchly C, Diekmann I, Krucken J, von Samson-Himmelstjerna G, Mach N, Salle G. 2023. Comparison of two molecular barcodes for the study of equine strongylid communities with amplicon sequencing. PeerJ. 

Crespo-Piazuelo D, Acloque H, González-Rodríguez O, Mongellaz M, Mercat M-J, Bink MCAM, Huisman AE, Ramayo-Caldas Y, Sánchez JP, Ballester M. 2023. Identification of transcriptional regulatory variants in pig duodenum, liver, and muscle tissues. Gigasciences. 

Daniel-Carlier N, Castille J, Passet B, Vilotte M, Le Danvic C, Jaffrezic F, Beauvallet C, Pechoux C, Capitan A, Vilotte J-L. 2023. Targeted mutation and inactivation of the kinesin light chain 3 protein-encoding gene have no impact on mouse fertility. Biology of reproduction.

David I, Ricard A. 2023. An improved transmissibility model to detect transgenerational transmitted environmental effects. Genet Sel Evol.

Delosiere M, Bernard L, Hurtaud C, Guilleton M, Viala D, Rau A, Bonnet M, Cebo C. 2023. Protein signatures of spontaneous lipolysis and lipoprotein lipase activity in cow's milk. Journal of proteomics. 

Delpuech E, Vandeputte M, Morvezen R, Bestin A, Besson M, Brunier J, Bajek A, Imarazene B, François Y, Bouchez O, Cousin X, Poncet C, Morin T, Bruant J-S, Chatain B, Haffray P, Phocas F, Allal F. 2023. Whole‐genome sequencing identifies interferon-induced protein IFI6/IFI27-like as a strong candidate gene for VNN resistance in European sea bass. Genet Sel Evol. 

Derisoud E, Auclair-Ronzaud J, Rousseau-Ralliard D, Philau S, Aujean E, Durand A, Dahirel M, Charlier M, Boutinaud M, Wimel L, Chavatte-Palmer P. 2023. Maternal age, parity and nursing status at fertilization affects post-partum lactation up to weaning in horses. Journal of equine veterinary science. 

Dufour A, Kurilo C, Stöckl JB, Laloë D, Bailly Y, Manceau P, Martins F, Turhan AG, Ferchaud S, Pain B, Fröhlich T, Foissac S, Artus J, Acloque H. 2023. Cell specification and functional interactions in the pig blastocyst inferred from single cell transcriptomics. BioRXIV 

Eche C, Iampietro C, Birbes C, Dreau A, Kuchly C, Di Franco A, Klopp C, Faraut T, Djebali S, Castinel A, Zytnicki M, Denis E, Boussaha M, Grohs C, Boichard D, Gaspin C, Milan D, Donnadieu C. 2023. A Bos taurus sequencing methods benchmark for assembly, haplotyping, and variant calling. Scientific Data 

El Kamouh M, Brionne A, Sayyari A, Lallais D, Labbé C, Laurent A. 2024. Strengths and limitations of reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) in the perspective of DNA methylation analysis in fish: a case‑study on rainbow trout spermatozoa. Fish Physiol Biochem.    

Fiddaman SR, Klopp C, Charles M, Bardou P, Lebrasseur O, Derks M, Schauer J, Reimer C, Geibel J, Gheyas A, Smith A, Schnabel R, Martin Cerezo ML, Nishibori M, Godinez CJP, Layos JKN, Alfieri JM, Blackmon H, Athrey GN, Larson G, Ng’ang’a I, Muir W, Lange M, Wright D, Cheng H, Simianer H, Weigend S, Warren W, Crooijmans R, Hanotte O, Smith J, Tixier-Boichard M, Frantz LAF. 2023 Chicken Genomic Diversity Consortium: Large-Scale Genomics to Unravel the Origins and Adaptations of Chickens. Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

Fogliano C, Motta CM, Acloque H, Avallone B, Carotenuto R. 2023. Water contamination by delorazepam induces epigenetic defects in the embryos of the clawed frog Xenopus laevis. Science of the total environment. 

Foury A, Mach N, Ruet A, Lansade L, Moisan MP. 2023. Transcriptomic signature related to poor welfare of sport horses    Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Fresco S, Boichard D, Fritz S, Lefebvre R, Barbey S, Gaborit M, Martin P. 2023. Comparison of methane production, intensity, and yield throughout lactation in Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci. 

Fromain A, Van de Walle A, Cure G, Pechoux C, Serrano A, Lalatonne Y, Espinosa A, Wilhelm C. 2023. Biomineralization of magnetic nanoparticles in stem cells. Nanoscale. 

Gaiani N, Bourgeois-Brunell L, Rocha D, Boulling A. 2023. Analysis of the impact of DGAT1 p.M435L and p.K232A variants on pre-mRNA splicing in a full-length gene assay. Sci Report. 

Gautier M, Micol T, Camus L, Moazami-Goudarzi K, Naves M, Guéret E, Engelen S, Colas F, Flori L, Druet T. 2023. Genomic reconstruction of the successful establishment of a feralized bovine population on the subantarctic island of Amsterdam. BioRXIV. 

Glorion M, Pascale F, Estephan J, Huriet M, Gouin C, Urien C, Blanc F, Riviere J, Richard C, Gelin V, De Wolf J, Le Guen M, Magnan A, Roux A, Schwartz-Cornil I, Sage E . 2023. A cross-circulatory platform for monitoring innate allo-responses in lung grafts. PloS one. 

Glorion M, Pascale F, Huriet M, Estephan J, Gouin C, Urien C, Bourge M, Egidy G, Richard C, Gelin V, De Wolf J, Le Guen M, Magnan A, Roux A, Devillier P, Schwartz-Cornil I, Sage E. 2023. Differential early response of monocyte/macrophage subsets to intra-operative corticosteroid administration in lung transplantation. Frontiers in immunology

Gouin C, Vu Manh T-P, Jouneau L, Bevilacqua C, De Wolf J, Glorion M, Hannouche L, Urien C, Estephan J, Roux A, Magnan A, Le Guen M, Da Costa B, Chevalier C, Descamps D, Schwartz-Cornil I, Dalod M, Sage E. 2023. Cell type- and time-dependent biological responses in ex vivo perfused lung grafts. Frontiers in immunology.

Guerin H, Courtin P, Guillot A, Pechoux C, Mahony J, van Sinderen D, Kulakauskas S, Cambillau C, Touze T, Chapot-Chartier M-P. 203. Molecular mechanisms underlying the structural diversity of rhamnose-rich cell wall polysaccharides in lactococci. The Journal of biological chemistry   

Guerin H, Quenee P, Palussiere S, Courtin P, Andre G, Pechoux C, Costache V, Mahony J, van Sinderen D, Kulakauskas S, Chapot-Chartier M-P. 2023. PBP2b Mutations Improve the Growth of Phage-Resistant Lactococcus cremoris Lacking Polysaccharide Pellicle. Applied and environmental microbiology. 

Guichard M, Phocas F, Neuditschko M, Basso B, Dainat B. 2023. An overview od selection concepts applied to honey bees. Bee World 

Hakimzadeh A, Abdala Asbun A, Albanese D, Bernard M, Buchner D, Callahan B, Caporaso JG, Curd E, Djemiel C, Brandstrom Durling M, Elbrecht V, Gold Z, Gweon HS, Hajibabaei M, Hildebrand F, Mikryukov V, Normandeau E, Ozkurt E, M Palmer J, Pascal G, Porter TM, Straub D, Vasar M, Vetrovsky T, Zafeiropoulos H, Anslan S.2023. A pile of pipelines: An overview of the bioinformatics software for metabarcoding data analyses. Molecular ecology resources

Heams T. 2023. The Contrasting Role of Single-cell Studies in the Theoretical Debate on Determinism in Molecular Biology. J Biol Sci.

Hurtaud C, Bernard L, Boutinaud M, Cebo C. 2023. Feed restriction as a tool for further studies describing the mechanisms underlying lipolysis in milk in dairy cows. Animal. 

Issa M, Michaudel C, Guinot M, Grauso-Culetto M, Guillon B, Lecardonnel J, Jouneau L, Chapuis C, Bernard H, Hazebrouck S, Castelli F, Fenaille F, Gaultier E, Riviere G, Houdeau E, Adel-Patient K. 2023. Long-term exposure from perinatal life to food-grade TiO2 alters intestinal homeostasis and predisposes to food allergy in young mice. Allergy    

Ivanova E, Hue-Beauvais C, Chaulot-Talmon A, Castille J, Laubier J, De Casanove C, Aubert-Frambourg A, Germon P, Jammes H, Le Provost F. 2023. DNA methylation and gene expression changes in mouse mammary tissue during successive lactations: part I – the impact of inflammation. Epigenetics 

Ivanova E, Hue-Beauvais C, Chaulot-Talmon A, Castille J, Laubier J, De Casanove C, Aubert-Frambourg A, Germon P, Jammes H, Le Provost F. 2023. DNA methylation and gene expression changes in mouse mammary tissue during successive lactations: part II – the impact of lactation rank. Epigenetics.

Jacques A, Leroy G, Rognon X, Verrier E, Tixier‑Boichard M, Restoux G. 2023. Reintroducing genetic diversity in populations from cryopreserved material: the case of Abondance, a French local dairy cattle breed. Genet Sel Evol. 

Jourdain J, Barasc H, Faraut T, Calgaro A, Bonnet N, Marcuzzo C, Suin A, Barbat A, Hozé C, Besnard F, Taussat S, Grohs C, Kuchly C, Iampietro C, Donnadieu C, Pinton A, Boichard D, Capitan A. 2023. Large-scale detection and characterization of interchromosomal rearrangements in normozoospermic bulls using massive genotype and phenotype datasets. Genome Res 

Jourdan A, Morvezen R, Enez F, Haffray P, Lange A, Vétois E, Allal F, Phocas F,Bugeon J, Dégremont L, Boudry P. 2023. Potential of genomic selection for growth, meat content and colour traits in mixed-family breeding designs for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture. 

Khadhraoui N, Prola A, Vandestienne A, Blondelle J, Guillaud L, Courtin G, Bodak M, Prost B, Huet H, Wintrebert M, Pechoux C, Solgadi A, Relaix F, Tiret L, Pilot-Storck F. 2023. Hacd2 deficiency in mice leads to an early and lethal mitochondrial disease. Molecular metabolism 

Krupova Z, Leroux C, Péchoux C, Bevilacqua C, Martin P. 2023. Comparison of goat and cow milk-derived extracellular vesicle miRNomes. Scientific data

Labatut J. 2023. Towards a biosocial turn in management and organization research? Proposals for a paradigm shift. Sage Journals 

Lagarde H, Lallias D, Patrice P, Dehaullon A, Prchal M, Francois Y, D'Ambrosio J, Segret E, Acin-Perez A, Cachelou F, Haffray P, Dupont-Nivet M, Phocas F. 2023. Genetic architecture of acute hyperthermia resistance in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and genetic correlations with production traits. Genet Sel Evol. 

Lauvie A, Alexandre G, Angeon V, Couix N, Fontaine O, Gaillard C, Meuret M, Mougenot C, Moulin CH, Naves M, Nozières-Petit MO, Paoli JC, Perucho L, Sorba JM, Tillard E, Verrier E. 2023. Is the ecosystem services concept relevant to capture the multiple benefits from farming systems using livestock biodiversity? A framework proposal. Genetic Resources.

Leduc A, Le Guillou S, Laloë D, Herve L, Laubier J, Poton P, Faulconnier Y, Pires J, Gele M, Martin P, Leroux C, Boutinaud M, Le Provost F. 2023. MiRNome variations in milk fractions during feed restrictions of different intensities in dairy cows. BMC Genomics. 

Lee B-H, Quillet E, Rigaudeau D, Dechamp N, Duchaud E, Bernardet J-F, Boudinot P, Rochat T. 2023. Interplay between a bacterial pathogen and its host in rainbow trout isogenic lines with contrasted susceptibility to Cold Water Disease. Micorbes and Infection.

Le Guillou S, Ciobotaru C, Laubier J, Castille J, Aujean E, Hue-Beauvais C, Cherbuy C, Liuu S, Henry C, David A, Jaffrezic F, Laloe D, Charlier M, Alexandre-Gouabau M-C, Le Provost F. 2023 Specific milk composition of miR-30b transgenic mice associated with early duodenum maturation in offspring with lasting consequences for growth. The Journal of nutrition.

Leroy G, Wang SZ, Lewis T, Licari S. 2023. Ancient and Recent Changes in Breeding Practices for Dogs. Archaeopress.

Lokesh J, Delaygues M, Defaix R, Le Bechec M, Pigot T, Dupont Nivet M, Kerneis T, Labbe L, Goardon L, Terrier F, Panserat S, Ricaud K. 2023. Interaction between genetics and inulin affects host metabolism in rainbow trout fed a sustainable all plant-based diet. British j nut 

Maugan LH, Rostellato R, Tribout T, Mattalia S, Ducrocq V. 2023. Combined single-step evaluation of functional longevity of dairy cows including correlated traits. Genet Sel Evol.

Mariadassou M, Nouvel L, Constant F, Morgavi D, Rault L, Barbey R, Helloin E, Rue O, Schbath S, Launay F, Sandra O, Lefebvre R, Le Loir Y, Germon P, Citti C, Even S. 2023. Microbiota members from body sites of dairy cows are largely shared within individual hosts throughout lactation but sharing is limited in the herd. Anim Microbiome 

Martin P, Taussat S, Vinet A, Launay F, Dozias D, Maupetit D, Villalba D, Friggens NC, Renand G. 2023. Précocité, efficience et résilience des femelles allaitantes. INRAE Prod Anim 

Martin P, Vinet A, Launay F, Dozias D, Maupetit D, Renand G. 2023. Short communication: Variability of response to feed restriction in lactating Charolais cows. Animal 

Michaels V, Chalabi S, Legrand A, Renard J, Tejerina E, Daouya M, Fabrega S, Megret J, Olaso R, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Battail C, Tronik-Le Roux D, Ezine S. 2023. Co-Transplantation of Barcoded Lymphoid-Primed Multipotent (LMPP) and Common Lymphocyte (CLP) Progenitors Reveals a Major Contribution of LMPP to the Lymphoid Lineage. IntJMolSci. 

Mazo G, Karlis D, Rau A. 2023. A randomized pairwise likelihood method for complex statistical inferences. J American Statistical Association.

Noel A, Dumas C, Rottier E, Beslay D, Costagliola G, Ginies C, Nicole F, Rau A, Le Conte Y, Mondet F. 2023. Detailed chemical analysis of honey bee (Apis mellifera) worker brood volatile profile from egg to emergence. PloS one 

Noyer M, Bernard M, Verneau O, Palacios C. 203. Insights on the particle‑attached riverine archaeal community shifts linked to seasons and to multipollution during a Mediterranean extreme storm event. Envir Sci Poll Res 

Pailhoux E, Vilotte JL. 2023. Modifications ciblées de génome chez les animaux d’élevage : où en est-on en France et en Europe ? Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France.

Paul K, Pélissier P, Goardon L, Dechamp N, Danon J, Jaffrelo L, Poncet C, Dupont-Nivet M, Phocas F. 2023. Maternal and genetic effects on embryonic survival from fertilization to swim up stage and reproductive success in a farmed rainbow trout line. Aqua Rep 

Prchal M, D'Ambrosio J, Lagarde H, Lallias D, Patrice P, François Y, Poncet C, Desgranges A, Haffray P, Dupont-Nivet M, Phocas F. 2023. Genome-wide association study and genomic prediction of tolerance to acute hypoxia in rainbow trout. Aquaculture.

Raffo MA, Cuyabano BCD, Rincent R, Sarup P, Moreau L, Mary-Huard T, Jensen J. 2023. Genomic prediction for grain yield and micro-environmental sensitivity in winter wheat. Front Plant Sci

Rani S, Sorensen MT, Estelle J, Noel SJ, Norskov N, Krogh U, Foldager L, Hojberg. 2023. Gastrointestinal Microbial Ecology of Weaned Piglets Fed Diets with Different Levels of Glyphosate. MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM. 

Ricard A, Crevier-Denoix N, Pourcelot P, Crichan H, Sabbagh M, Dumont-Saint-Priest B, Danvy S. 2023. Genetic analysis of geometric morphometric 3D visuals of French jumping horses. Genet Sel Evol.

Rizzotto F, Marin M, Pechoux C, Auger S, Vidic J. 2023. Colorimetric aptasensor for detection of Bacillus cytotoxicus spores in milk and ready-to-use food. Heliyon.

Roques S, Deborde C, Skiba-Cassy S, Médale F, Dupont-Nivet M, Lefevre F, Bugeon J, Labbé L, Marchand Y, Moing A, Fauconneau B. 2023. New alternative ingredients and genetic selection are the next game changers in rainbow trout nutrition : a metabolomics appraisal. Scientific reports

Sahana G, Cai Z. Sanchez MP, Bouwman A, Boichard D. 2023. Invited review: Good practices in genome-wide association studies to identify candidate sequence variants in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 

Sanchez MP, Escouflaire C, Baur A, Bottin F, Hoze C, Boussaha M, Fritz S,Capitan A, Boichard D. 2023. X-linked genes influence various complex traits in dairy cattle. BMC Genomics. 

Sanchez MP, Tribout T, Kadri N, Chitneedi PK, Maak S, Hoze C, Boussaha M, Croiseau P, Philippe R, Spengeler M, Kuhn C, Wang Y, Li C, Plastow G, Pausch H, Boichard D. Sequence-based meta-analyses for beef production traits. Genet Sel Evol.

Sebastia C, Folch JM, Ballester M, Estelle J, Passols M, Munoz M, Garcia-Casco JM, Fernandez AI, Castello A, Sanchez A, Crespo-Piazuelo D. 2023. Interrelation between gut microbiota, SCFA, and fatty acid composition in pigs. mSystems 

Smith J, Alfieri J, M, Anthony N, Arensburger P, Athrey G, Balacco J,.......Tixier-Boichard M, ... Yang C, Yin Z, -T, Young M, Zhang G, Zhao B, Zhou H. 2023. Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenet Genome Res.

Smith TPL, Bickhart DM, Boichard D, Chamberlain AJ, Djikeng A, Jiang Y, Low WY, Pausch H, Demyda-Peyrás S, Prendergast J, Schnabel RD. 2023. The Bovine Pangenome Consortium: democratizing production and accessibility of genome assemblies for global cattle breeds and other bovine species. Genome Biology 

Signer-Hasler H, Casanova L, Barenco A, Maitre B, Bagnato A, Vevey M, Berger B, Simcic M, Boichon D, Capitan A, Medugorac I, Bennewitz J, Meszaros G, Solkner J, Drogemuller C, Flury C. 2023. Genomic regions underlying positive selection in local, Alpine cattle breeds. Animal genetics

Stephansen R B, Martin P, Manzanilla-Pech C I V, Gredler-Grandl B, Sahana G, Madsen P, Weigel K, Tempelman R J, Penagaricano F, Gaddis K L Parker, White H M, Santos J E P, Koltes J E, Schenkel F, Hailemariam D, Plastow G, Abdalla E, VandeHaar M, Veerkamp R F, Baes C, Lassen J. 2023. Novel genetic parameters for genetic residual feed intake in dairy cattle using time series data from multiple parities and countries in North America and Europe. J. Dairy Sci.

Taussat S, Cantalapiedra-Hijar G, Agabriel J, Renand G, Brouard S, Griffon L, Martin P. 2023. Caractériser les déterminants physiologiques et génétiques de l’efficience alimentaire des bovins allaitants : le programme BEEFALIM. INRAE Prod Anim. 

Taussat S, Fossaert C, Cantalapiedra-Hijar G, Griffon L, Martin P, Renand G. 2023. Paramètres génétiques de l’efficience alimentaire et faisabilité d’une sélection en population bovine allaitante. INRAE Prod Anim.

Tribout T, Minéry S, Vallée R, Saille S, Saunier D, Martin P, Ducrocq V, Faverdin P, Boichard D. 2023. Genetic relationships between weight loss in early lactation and daily milk production throughout the lactation in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 

William Timothy Treal Taylor et al. 2023. Early dispersal of domestic horses into the Great Plains and northern Rockies. Science 379, 1316-1323

Van Niekerk M, Neser F, Van Wyk J, Ducrocq V. 2023. Comparison of fixed and random regression models for the analysis of milk production traits in South African Holstein dairy cattle under two production systems. Livestock Science. 

Verrier E. 2023. Rites et monuments funéraires pour les animaux de compagnie. L’exemple du cimetière des chiens d’Asnières-sur-Seine. Ethnozootechnie.

Vinet A, Mattalia S, Vallée R, Bertrand C, Cuyabano BCD, Boichard D. 2023. Estimation of genotype by temperature-humidity index interactions on milk production and udder health traits in the Montbeliarde cows. Genet Sel Evol 

Zhao H, Sene S, Mielcarek AM, Miraux S, Menguy N, Ihiawakrim D, Ersen O, Pechoux C, Guillou N, Scola J, Greneche J-M, Nouar F, Mura S, Carn F, Gazeau F, Dumas E, Serre C, Steunou N. 2023. Hierarchical superparamagnetic metal-organic framework nanovectors as anti-inflammatory nanomedicines. Journal of materials chemistry.